"smarTV" With Opera Is not so "smart"
rolaxfab last edited by
im so regret of buying a hiesense "smart". there are no important apps, there is no PLEX, URL Loader does not work. I´ts amazing that my old nokia, be smarter than my TV
Never in my life will buy again anything with Opera.
My $500 went right to the trash it´s almost impossible add IPTV. The only app is OTTPLAYER, but still is not working good.
brampy last edited by
But it is indeed something you don't expect. I bought a Sony KDL-32 WD750 and found it very disappointing that is has no internetbrowser. Even the shop did'nt knew this. So I consider to buy a Chromecast.
Although..., the TV has a Screen dupplication entrance and this works fine with mobile pieces of apparatus with Screen Mirror function. The chromecast is then for other devices. -
numbnutz69 last edited by
Well, people use to research on what they are willing to spend their money on before actually doing it to, among other reasons, avoid buying something that doesn't do or have what they want/need.
Considering it is rather difficult to find what apps are available on TV's and incorrect information passed on from sales staff is sometimes not accurate, I think your comments are pointless and not helpful at all
brampy last edited by
Correction to my comment on May 21: It concerns the Sony KDL-32WD759, not KDL-32WD750)