[Solved]Tampermonkey And Extension Can't Work On Google Website [Blocked By Chrome ?!]
knock3times last edited by leocg
When you search anything on Google, link of the search result wouldn't be the real one. Instead, you got this long referral link by Google for tracking reason. Very understandable because they're a Search Engine after all. They need it for result optimization. So I installed this extension (Google Search Link Fix) to remove the "fake link" with the real ones.
But I just noticed that the extension doesn't work anymore. And there are no other extension for the exact same purpose. Then I stumble upon some scripts for tampermonkey. Installed them, but the script doesn't load on Google page. Tried modifying the "include" line in the script, still not loading. Tried including Google website on other unrelated scripts, also not loading. But scripts for other websites are still working.
I wonder if Chrome is blocking any extension to run anything on Google website. I mean, Opera is based on Chrome. So . . . .
That's the only conclusion I can get from this.
Am I the only one experiencing this? You got any other theory/solution?