Facebook, youtube, Vimeo (etc.) videos are with playback problems.
KevinCHRT last edited by KevinCHRT
I just confirm that videos on dailymotion are with the same issue.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
What happens if you click the video pop-out icon that's at the top of the video area,resize the popped-out video and then close it?
Try pressing F11 to switch to full screen and back just to see if it's some weird glitch.
KevinCHRT last edited by
I just discovered what was causing the issue in the video playback: it was my driver.
I'd notice, at the moment that I played a video, showing the issue and I recorded it a few hours ago. And the video that I recorded using a software (like some videos played on opera browser) was having the same problem with stretched images. Since I noticed that, I downloaded another drive version for my video card and now the problem is finally over.