High quality resolution on Youtube is not available
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I am using an extension, "HD quality for YouTube
(1080p, 1440p, 2160p)", which I set to default to "highest available quality", and it works.
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Confirmed. Same happens in Windows too. As far as I see, webm vp8 was released long ago. Something looks like broken in Opera. I dont know exactly about it but l will file bug for the same.
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I posted on Disqus too in blog reply
I will repost here as this looks more specific and geared towards resolution where people can connect...
An example video is:
The maximum resolution I can get here in 1080pThe issue is youtube itself says that the browser is not supported:
Using 53.0.2907.106 version of Opera to be specificIs it possible for issue to persist in private mode (which ideally use different profile) or is it some profile related issue. Or if webm playback is dependent on external system soft, I can see if it updated as necessary.
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@leocg said in High quality resolution on Youtube is not available:
@utkarshbisht No problem for me on Windows, all available resolutions are listed.
Just for validating. Is the subversion of Opera same. My Opera version is 53.0.2907.106 and about section says its up to date.
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Hardware acceleration is turned on in settings. This is what I get in gpu section
You being able to see all resolution means theres some issue down there. Any preferred troubleshooting steps besides reinstalling...
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I just rechecked and it worked now. The only change I made since last time is few driver updates including the Intel Video Driver update that popped up yesterday.
Do you think this maybe the reason behind it? As html5 test in YouTube also says now that my browser supports all formats. I wonder how Chrome get it working in the first place...
I am not sure about @rambazamba . Can you check with the same in case any graphics update in pending from Apple
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Nopes, the problem re-occurs again...
Whatever it is, this is affecting only Opera as Chrome works fine all the time.
Any other troubleshooting steps will be really helpful.Just in case, I am now posting gpu flags again in case theres a diff btw older version txt and this one...
Heres the snapshot of youtube page
Is there any settings that I can tinker with..?
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Confirmed, replicated the issue, found the root cause and the workaround. Atleast for me... The ball is in Opera's team to decide if its actually an issue or not.
Its the battery saver mode in Opera which gets invoked when charger is not connected. It restricts some of the Opera's functionality in some or the other way. The only info I had was Battery saver works by blocking javascript that may look malicious and barring ads which may take their own processing.
I didnt know it can fiddle with Youtube video quality too. In case this is an issue, Opera can look into it or maybe whitelist it or create some sort of exception. In case its not an issue but rather a functionality, user should get some sort of message or one time message so he can know what Battery saver can do in nut shell...