weird opera refreshing
A Former User last edited by
about a week ago my opera started to refresh rapidly from time to time. its quite annyoing when im scrolling facebook or watching something on youtube. i dont want to change opera to another browser (on chrome its all ok - no refreshing out of nowhere) because i got used to it already and i really like it.
do you have any idea what should i do to make it work properly again? -
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@leocg b 4 they push out n e more opera updates..
A new security vulnerability has been discovered in Google Chrome found herei wonder if this will affect Opera..
A Former User last edited by
@nvmjustagirl said in weird opera refreshing:
@leocg b 4 they push out n e more opera updates..
A new security vulnerability has been discovered in Google Chrome found herei wonder if this will affect Opera..
I dunno, but just to comment that Opera is different from Chrome. Chrome and Opera are different builds based on Chromium. Vivaldi on the other hand wasn't build totally from ground up - but is rather sort of shellish ui over Chrome-Chromium. However Opera and Vivaldi are very different on that regard.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
Thank You Opera Team for Fixing this High Threat !.. *cheers for The Opera Team ! !..
DNA-70237 Port fix for CVE-2018-6148 to desktop-stable-66-2907.. reference found here
@rudrick said in weird opera refreshing:
I dunno, but just to comment that Opera is different from Chrome. Chrome and Opera are different builds based on Chromium. Vivaldi on the other hand wasn't build totally from ground up - but is rather sort of shellish ui over Chrome-Chromium. However Opera and Vivaldi are very different on that regard.
@rudrick No comment..
@leocg i don't need to open a new topic.. all is ok now opera team fixed & am sorries for being off topic..