Opera 36.0 - problems with Silverlight?
alexnbg last edited by
Hi all,
it seems like the new version 36 does not supports Silverlight plugin or there is simply a bug, because I did not found something regarding Silverlight in the changelog. With the V35 on another computer everything works well.
I tried to reinstall the V36.0 but it does not help. No message regarding SL appears like in a browser which doesn't support that plugin, the screen is simply empty.
Anyone know what the problem is?
Is it possible to download the V35 somewhere?
Alex -
kejdrzej last edited by
I have just post a bug report that my pdf reader plugins (X-change, sumatra) stopped resopinding after update to 36. Now I know and I am not happy with that
Java (jre) is also described as NPAPI - so it will also stop working?
Chris -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
I have just post a bug report that my pdf reader plugins (X-change, sumatra) stopped resopinding after update to 36. Now I know and I am not happy with that
Chromium has been dropping the support for npapi plugins since a couple of years or more. A couple of versions ago they totally dropped it, so Chromium based browsers no longer support npapi plugins or will lost support sooner or later.
kejdrzej last edited by
Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately i like my pdf plugins (and use them VERY frequently) and occasionally I have to use web-based applications using JRE. For this I switch to IE, but for pdf viewing I have just reinstalled Opera 35 and switched off auto-update. This will, at least, give me some time to think about another solution.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
occasionally I have to use web-based applications using JRE
Well, the java plugin is being dropped/removed by Oracle also: http://www.theverge.com/2016/1/28/10858250/oracle-java-plugin-deprecation-jdk-9
alexnbg last edited by
It's a great pity that Silverlight plugin is no longer supported by Opera. Opera browser until the last version 35 was a really good and stable alternative to IE, Firefox and Safari for Mac for numerous business applications (like ERP, CRM etc.) which still requires Silverlight plugin and will keep using it for at least next 6 years. Now the Opera just follows the chrome and has no own differentiator. It is now simply a pure “light browser” only for private b2c users and the standard HTML5/JS pages. I find even worse the fact that it wasn't officially announced by Opera and even not included to the change log. This is also very bad from the communication point of view.
Today I will have to uninstall the Opera browser from all enterprise computers, remove the opera from supported browsers list and inform all our b2b customers across the world that they can’t use opera anymore in their business IT environment.
alexnbg last edited by
The Silverlight plugin is not supported by Microsoft Edge browser. However, Internet Explorer (which is available on Windows 10 as a Desktop browser by default) will support Silverlight at least until the end of the Mainstream Support.
See https://support.microsoft.com/en-en/lifecycle?C2=12905
gosia2000 last edited by
Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately i like my pdf plugins (and use them VERY frequently) and occasionally I have to use web-based applications using JRE. For this I switch to IE, but for pdf viewing I have just reinstalled Opera 35 and switched off auto-update. This will, at least, give me some time to think about another solution.Hi,
could you, please, share the link to Opera 35? I would love to reinstall it too, but searched everywhere and it seems like all available downloads are version 36, which - for me, at least - is a disaster!!!... Thank you! -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
could you, please, share the link to Opera 35?http://get.opera.com/ftp/pub/opera/desktop/35.0.2066.92/win/Opera_35.0.2066.92_Setup.exe
Note that unless if you block auto-update, Opera will (auto)update itself to latest stable version. Also note that if you manage to keep Opera on version 35 you will (may) be missing (several) security updates and bug fixes.