Dissapearing task bar.
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@chucky1 I just left opera open and after 20 min the bottom taskbar dissapeared again, i am completely dumbfounded.
A Former User last edited by
@leocg hi no changed no settings all i have is the task bar locked in windows setting nothing els
A Former User last edited by
@chucky1 51.0.2830.40 Taskbar working good here..
updated to 51.0.2830.55 earlier still working good..dunno why your taskbar Dissapearing.. except this..
The next time you crank up opera and taskbar dissapears look in taskmanager - scroll down to Windows Explorer - explorer.exe - to see if it is crashed.. if so restart - explorer.exe - taskbar should reappear with opera still running..opera in your case may be crashing explorer.exe
to run new task..
open Task Manager
Click on File>New Task (Run) and enter "explorer.exe" (without the quotes)
Then click OK.here is a script you can save to notepad to retart explorer.exe fast.. save as a .bat file Call it Restart Windows Explorer.bat - Or the name you wanna.. Save it on desktop for easy access
taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe
start explorer.exe -
A Former User last edited by
the problem is Opera steals focus from the taskbar and once that happens (and it does do it randomly for me) it does not want to give it back
to solve the problem I just use the restore/maximize button to bring focus back to the taskbar again
A Former User last edited by
saw this a a thread - YOU HAVE TO DO THIS ... Set the power settings to high that way your PC keeps the taskbar at high profiule so it doesnt dissapear.
and this one - restore the Windows taskbar to default
uncheck lock the taskbar
then boot to safemode
When your computer has entered safe mode, the taskbar resets to its default position. Restarting your computer as normal keeps this change, at which point you may want to Lock the Taskbar.
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@nvmjustagirl Tried that but still no sucsess so stoped trying and moved to Firefox