General Opera for Windows Discussion Thread
A Former User last edited by
Where to post wishlist? Iwant two things, first slim text-only bookmark bar and second button on toolbar that open all my bookmarks in list view
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by admin
Where to post wishlist?
Suggestions Box. You can also post a comment in Desktop Team Blog
pl9 last edited by
Estaria bien que se pudiesen reorganizar las extensiones, ya que ahora son estaticas y no se puede mover los iconos.
touchpader last edited by
I want to change the color of the loading page when webpage is loading. Is there any css file for that?
touchpader last edited by
You may need an extension to achieve it.
Are you sure? I thought it should be like changing a .css file from \styles folder. May be my first post sounds confusing. What I was meaning to say, is when some webpage loads, opera shows a blank white page. Even if wepage has dark backgound color. I'm thinking that this happens because of opera showing blank page till it gets some actual data from the server. Am I right?
pl9 last edited by
sorry, It would be nice if you could reorganize the extensions, since they are now static and you can not move the icons.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Are you sure? I thought it should be like changing a .css file from \styles folder
Are you talking about Opera Presto (Opera 12 and older)?
Opera Chromium (Opera 15 and newer) doesn't have a styles folder and doesn't allow you to change pages content.
What I was meaning to say, is when some webpage loads, opera shows a blank white page
You can't change it as far as I know.
touchpader last edited by
Opera Chromium (Opera 15 and newer) doesn't have a styles folder and doesn't allow you to change pages content.
Must be it. I have installed new Opera in old directory. Thanks for information.
markg2015 last edited by
Is there anyone experiencing improper format when reading newspapers with Opera? The Chicago Tribune will not download properly. Is anyone else having this issue? How do I resolve this?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Is there anyone experiencing improper format when reading newspapers with Opera? The Chicago Tribune will not download properly. Is anyone else having this issue?
It seems OK to me.
How do I resolve this?
Try disabling the ad-blocker. Also disable extensions.
markg2015 last edited by
Nevermind! It was my addblocker! LOL! Thank you so much for your help! I truly appreciate it!
loki last edited by
Hello to all of you. Thanks for the post / thread.
Why do I have at least ten windows running in my Opera? I have "REVO'd" Opera twice; re-installed, and all ten running windows re-start after the installations, and it uses a lot of my memory.
This is my Media account link (image):
Any help or soln is greatly appreciated. Cheers...
(REVO'd = REVO un/installer)