What is your Weather? :)
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
I understand "May day" used to be a big socialist holiday; obviously it had negative connotations in these parts :left:
Weather Underground also provides access to local weather stations, but some of them are pretty unreliable. The one it picks as closest to me has been as much as 10F/5.6C higher than the local airport, I think they must have set it up in direct sunlight rather than shade. So I just use the airport.
A Former User last edited by
I understand "May day" used to be a big socialist holiday; obviously it had negative connotations in these parts :left:
(Still no smilies, huh?)
Not exactly socialist. It was 19th century, there weren't proper socialists yet, and the thing was about workers' rights and/or working conditions, probably both. There were casualties. It was in the US of North America. Chicago, perhaps. -
A Former User last edited by
Weather Underground also provides access to local weather stations, but some of them are pretty unreliable. The one it picks as closest to me has been as much as 10F/5.6C higher than the local airport, I think they must have set it up in direct sunlight rather than shade.
Yes, it happens. All the time, it's the matter of luck to have a near station set by a guy with a little brains.
And no, we don't have an airport. :lol:
There is a club or something, perhaps, I don't know...
The clock at our train station was not set by wise guys. -
A Former User last edited by
In English, "wise guy" means practical joker...
I guess not exactly in English-in English, being as it is in certain English-speaking areas. As a common jargon.
Thank you for the reference though, I've heard it in movies, now I'll know.
I meant literally - like in English-in English*:)* Like Shakespeare -
A Former User last edited by
In English, "wise guy" means practical joker, so are you sure?
Speaking of those wise guys though, I guess it might have been something in it: there shows a station there where the wise guys put their sensors like in the sauna - showing some enormous temps at times - like 52 degrees centigrade, like in winter*;)*
A Former User last edited by
I'd ask, Steve, but I fear to be burnt.
Yup, it's chillier today, very much so :pssst:
A Former User last edited by
Rains recently.
The sorbus tree against my window has already got blooming! Not three weeks passed since it took leaves - it feels at least.
A Former User last edited by
Unexpectedly rain broke out.
Well, the forecast did
it, but not the morning looked like that O.O -
A Former User last edited by
Warmest day so far this year: northern Wisconsin
88ยฐF (31ยฐC)
SW 24 MPH (38.6 kph)Latitude: 45.63
Longitude: -89.48 -
zalex108 last edited by
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/qexPFxF.gif"
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". ยท Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
zalex108 last edited by
Celsius, Celsius. :cheers:
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". ยท Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
A Former User last edited by
Seems like raining, overcast but not dump now.
Gusty wind rocking some tree branches...
If you listen to some nice radio, and if you had your coffee, it doesn't feel depressing*:D*
A Former User last edited by
Raining again.
Nice summer rain. Even part of the sky is clear I see, the rain is all right nevertheless*:)*Forecast a thunderstorm for yesterday - it passed near even not much raindrops. I was having a walk in our nearby "wilderness" then, searching in where the bridge is being built. Ended up dry as a bone.
A Former User last edited by
A few days ago I started getting an impression that weather forecast had got taken over by politicians: promises, promises, promises, then nothing.
31ยฐC topped today. According to the graph, it's the summer's apex here.
They "promise" some rain with thunderstorm again, then decline in temps.