M2 export & Import mail..........
emc last edited by
hello ,
I managed it to put the command on both of these sectioins:
[Mail Item Mark Menu] AND [Mail Item Popup Menu]
Item,"export"= copy & read mail, 200000054 & delay , 500 & paste
If continue command to export those emails . I should add : Focus read mail 200000054 & Export mail index "C:/TEMP FOLDER" ?
Instead of manual highlighting mails, how to tell opera auto export todays email from 0600 to the time right now.( without specific the end time )
edmond -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
If continue command to export those emails . I should add : Focus read mail 200000054 & Export mail index "C:/TEMP FOLDER" ?
I guess. You can try it.
Instead of manual highlighting mails, how to tell opera auto export todays email from 0600 to the time right now.( without specific the end time )
Right-click the toolbar above the message list and goto customize -> appearance -> buttons -> mail view" and drag the period drop-down (says "forever" on it) to the toolbar. Then, switch it to "Today" and try to export. See if Opera only exports the shown messages. If so, you should be able to do that part with a command to limit the message list to just today's messages. The command is "Set mail view age, 1" (or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5). See the drop-down on the button for which number means what. You would use a command to set the view age to "today", do your stuff and then set it back to "forever".
As for a specific times, I'm not sure how to do that except with a date header search with a regex that matches the times you want. And, not sure if you can do that with a search command or not.
emc last edited by
Thanks ,
what is the right command about ..... delay,1000 & Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe", "sendkey down press" og I am to click the item export from context menu ?
I only know : Delay, 500 & Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkeypress enter" & Delay, 500 & Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkeypress enter"
I went nircmd webpage but not seems helpful in my case when using command in Opera index.ini.
Thank you very much.
edmond. -
emc last edited by
And ........... How to make command to tell Opera go to a specific label such as Focus read mail, 200000054
as I guess once it is done I can add continue command to it such as doing a export as well as assigning my folder drive location where the export .mbs is going to .
edmond -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Not sure at the moment. Maybe someone can help with those parts.
emc last edited by
Hi burout426 ,
Having new issue during "EXPORT"
Am doing year 2012 old mails from January to June preparing to export.....
( I was trying to be cautious to break it down of period 3 - 6 months a time until 2017 ., and import to my new install Opera copy )
See pic below asked me to highly recommended to download missing bodies ' before exporting '.
I left it for the whole night but never happens , I click that label choose export, it repeat to suggest me downlopading missing bodies.
Have you experience & what would you suggest please ?
Thank you very much.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Having new issue during "EXPORT"
Have you experience & what would you suggest please ?
When you choose to export and Opera asks you to download bodies and you say yes, Opera will fetch the bodies like you told it to. However, it will not continue with the export after that. You have to choose to export again. Then, the second time it SHOULD work.
If Opera repeatedly asks you to download bodies, make sure "make all messages available offline" is set on the "incoming" tab in the account's properties. Also make sure "low-bandwidth mode" is NOT checked. Also make sure "do not download attachments" is NOT checked. Then, click the drop-down next to the check/send button and choose to resynchronize. If that doesn't help, you might have to unsubscribe and resubscribe to all IMAP folders. Or, delete the IMAP account and add it back in. Or, start with a new mail folder and set up the IMAP account again. Or, you might have to log the incoming connection to see what messages Opera fails to fetch the body for. Or, you might have to look in the "mail/store/accountN" folder to see what mbs file is missing its body and then delete that message via Opera Mail's UI. Or, run a database check.
emc last edited by
And ........... How to make command to tell Opera go to a specific label such as Focus read mail, 200000054
any of yoou know how .......?
edmond -
emc last edited by
No one knows ? Read mail , 1 or Read mail , 2 I know...........
But I tried many times to focus to 1 of my custom label ( I knwo the correct I.D. ) with no joy....
I am trying to on mail message or mail body list make a custom action to first focus a custom label and then action to export or on other things.............
Thank you very much.
edmond -
emc last edited by
I'm able to show context menu ( ..... & Show Context Menu & Delay , 50 & go to end )
but go to end not responding and is not work &What should be the command in order to show the next page of context menu ?
And what is command to "click & press" the item I want from the last page of context menu ?
I know how to use ---> Delay, 500 & Execute program, "c:\windows\nircmd.exe","sendkeypress enter"
Is there other command works better ?
Thank you very much.