Unsorted Bookmarks hidden and Help page is in Japanese
Deleted User last edited by
My Unsorted Bookmarks are now hidden , its a pain , and this sucks , i don't like this change , FIX IT back to where it was before , also when i go to the Help page its all in Japanese , so i can't even access help , it was a pain just to get to here , this needs to be fixed TODAY !!
How do i go back to the prior version ??When is this ISSUE (yes this is a Issue !)going to be FIXED and put back to the way it was ?? , hopefully NOW !!!
This version just ruined Opera for me , if its not going to be fixed i am uninstalling Opera , thanks for making changes without asking for our input , Not Happy .... Version 43 SUCKS ! , having to search for things makes this as useless as Internet Explorer , Opera was fine the way it was , the changes made were unnecessary and made this browser a pain to use , i now have to do 3 steps that prior only took 1 , PUT IT BACK THE WAY IT WAS PLEASE !!!!!
Deleted User last edited by
Also all Foums i visit (crfsonly.com , vitalmx.com , etc all look like text now , what did you guy do ??? you screwed everything up , i am going back to firefox till you fix this crap...not happy....
shelluser last edited by
My Unsorted Bookmarks are now hidden , its a pain , and this sucks , i don't like this change , FIX IT back
to where it was before , also when i go to the Help page its all in Japanese , so i can't even access helpHave to agree about the unsorted folder, that used to be very handy to get to sites without too much clicking. An alternative can be the bookmark bar though. Place all those "unsorted bookmarks" in there, and then simply press control-b to show them and control-b to hide them again. I think could end up even better than relying on the Opera menu.
How do you access said help page, by pressing F1? Opera doesn't have build-in help but relies on the Opera website. So if that now ends up in Japanese then I can't help wonder about your language settings.
Go to your Opera settings (alt-p), open the browser section and then check what it says under 'Languages'. Both the user interface, but mostly the Preferred languages.
How do i go back to the prior version ??There is no default way to revert back. You could try using Windows' own "recent versions" feature. So go to AppData\Roaming\Opera Software, right click on 'Opera Stable' and check for previous versions. That might help. But only for so long, because Opera automatically upgrades itself to later versions.
This version just ruined Opera for me , if its not going to be fixed i am uninstalling Opera , thanks for
making changes without asking for our inputI have to agree that "continuous update" model has its flaws. However, there are usually ways to work around it.
Also all Foums i visit (crfsonly.com , vitalmx.com , etc all look like text now , what did you guy do ???
Sounds like a plugin going haywire, I'm not sure. What happens if you open private mode and then visit those sites? So when in Opera use: control-shift-n. Then re-visit, does that change anything?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
My Unsorted Bookmarks are now hidden
'Unsorted bookmarks' is being removed. If you didn't have anything on it, you no longer will see it.
also when i go to the Help page its all in Japanese , so i can't even access help
How do you went to the help page? Here I'm being lead to a page in English.
How do i go back to the prior version ??
Un-install the current one making sure to leave your data untouched and install the version you want. You will need to do it offline and rename the auto-updater executable file ater the installation to avoid Opera to upgrade to the most recent build.
Also all Foums i visit (crfsonly.com , vitalmx.com , etc all look like text now
Both look fine here. Try checking with extensions disabled.
Deleted User last edited by
The issue is , I DO use the Unsorted Bookmarks and i have lots of them in there , so it SHOULD have stayed , the issue with the websites , is I DID NOT CHANGE ANYTHING !! , this CRAPPY UPDATE DID !!! , i have seen several posts about people with the same issues , WHY IS THIS NOT BEING FIXED ??? , i am beyond pissed ,all i did was click on it and it was working fine , then the next time it was this crap .....The Update SUCKS , Period , it needs to be put back the way it was , why does everyone have to mess with stuff that worked fine , then they completely screw it up ???
If you go to the Menu , it says near the bottom HELP , i click on that and it opens a webpage that says http://help.opera.com/opera/Windows/2393/en/ and its ALL in Japanese
Instead of ME uninstalling anything , why doesn't Opera put things back the way they were , otherwise , i will just un-install Opera , and find something that isn't screwed up from a useless update that did nothing but cause issues with everything about Opera that WAS good
All the websites mentioned , worked PERFECT before the Update , so its not a setting unless Opera changed the setting on its own , which is the point of my complaint post , it worked fine before and now its Junk .... seems simple enough , put it back to the last version and leave it till you can fix this version , then give US the OPTION of choosing weather WE want the change or not , and if not let us have the ability to revert back to the one that actually works !! , ......
Since i am not the only one with this issue , i would say it needs to be FIXED and it is a Problem that whatever idiot
made the update , because its clearly not working properly ....Google Chrome took away the Menu across the top ..I as well as countless others stopped using it , yet they don't care .... i hope Opera does not have the same attitude ............. -
Deleted User last edited by
Also , i just looked in "Extensions" it says none are installed , so again , its not me that caused this
This is what i see on the Help page
슡嶰⟜諌ૺ嚿䌥漍精Ѯ�閚䅑ŧԂ䎓�歮탞ﹶ爢挟澬嬦㷈鋝鄖䚦⋓暽鹕◤億Ù方㛤㹈Ȫ띃⾭璉荟竢鱴鑦瑃鏪瞚퇥ߞ뛗菓递Ɬ᧔痁챥ᅲ궬ᢳ㈌呖㇈轜͌琉㉯籏ꭽ挧룸ᦾۑ㫙뷺符彾릖ﲘૐ氿鮻붬磬냺뮅屎��楡홧鷱㘓滻ꎳ�暖퍲앆ᐨ뭄颧ꎲ氪缈꽉蹧촦Ⓣ樛䀛⽻禤콮༎ퟤϾ륇솃፤స�잪鹧겉놵ཾ그❝Შ䮾笋䄥㘟⯖鿑출ண䭧璤밆͟䖱ဝ럱ေ⚁苉廘ໂ髌㱐 〤뷔䞞⛒ͫዋ殌祮腊ꢍ֎篎䆏繚苘─귯鑊⮬蕼ᴟ㬙꜌䷵嬨ᚂ琿咛危䑗퀣꣐ꞎ돵쾟ຎ鏤쯯늜县쥔ⴕ蚤⡮㪐裝媻ㅨ鵺ぞ왕鲃᮷鑓楂䎓ɹ㳠忎⸪ᓄ﹤䲃汝쳙鵥뾪騕ᐣ윟ᅔ珱䠦싰㊌ᆽᣏ곋䰃溏凱쫟裎긷똖⯤ࢥ熨悵㑄艭歑∮禉醏鿟༊锽纱�㿲靣玪င힣ﳛ糩ℸ偹湋쇲鐘Ǽ⣕ѧ旡慀쥠᎐税�嗢쓫㻋쯵뢻镞뇮쉟ᢩḵﳧ�⣯즀敖ậ௰�ผኃ߸韅俕㭁菆榺巶䒘婟㩮潍飛㭶ꪑꟴ㟷奎揓謄䵯뱯 ⸺뀝ꄵ覙ꦬ껠匔�逇㫐ٰ뢀旭曙琪滴ᅥꨟ�㱱봴齘鉊力삗ꣴ煾鮍�䓼皢ピ̈́ⷎ숂ꋿⳗ罊撂㙦퉐陔蕖멾겗쯙操茶䭄㓃鸅흠銟쳬㺣뾹奋⡥똷驂Ҏ䒷㮔⋴䝸쭘㘿オᗛ见࢞偠杚埲䰥篈碈Ⰻힼ喙贸ꫝ䣯溲輆㳚秹꺛�᳅븽㣸뗠ᩚ쬝韋连⎍팚扷ၠἺ鉶吮逆᳀觹劣䠖푮ᢢڧ겛ⓤ镅걹ᇠ⼿鏛륪ス⸆̏赗鿇岁悇㾯⹊翴簍魴嬱㔶扉ᵨ踚�᳒蹴瘪䏱㱼抺梤篒䡓«㓈蒪Ꞝﵒ綏껁⌤蛀庬炖䤀푔漙�말퇴鋿鄝ᡓ袧車ꈳ鐫䒤䗾隷뇇浶鯧뮠틌ᮦ綺崇凍Ⓩ궷뒟睎ꢥ듅늜㽌❫驪鑈邙㣄ꑣ墨ᖎ奿驴䖣摔炿畆厁螬㼮ẖ뱰䝄ㄋ瘲㸕涣鿴쐄婴窖㼼ཛྷᠺꪗ䄉⸁ᜏ㥞�㉝犇嶦�ⶣ덑䏲挑麞ᖏ둞䨢䉴ᓌ灄嗜遾㼝㾞녀ꩶ啾郀튟鄏鲓贳ꮫ轍ᖱ䟻ᬸ黙�浍命紮ᨦ᧴浗叀诪嬌꒤歭䗲璇䂕�奏₋椦༅黕㌽녚
lando242 last edited by
The issue is , I DO use the Unsorted Bookmarks and i have lots of them in there , so it SHOULD have stayed , the issue with the websites , is I DID NOT CHANGE ANYTHING !! , this CRAPPY UPDATE DID !!! , i have seen several posts about people with the same issues , WHY IS THIS NOT BEING FIXED ??? , i am beyond pissed ,all i did was click on it and it was working fine , then the next time it was this crap .....The Update SUCKS , Period , it needs to be put back the way it was , why does everyone have to mess with stuff that worked fine , then they completely screw it up ???
Dude, you need to chill out and treat those around you like human beings. If you were working customer support would you help someone acting the way you are acting right now? Or would you call over security to toss you out on your ear?
Deleted User last edited by
I did not cause this mess Opera did , sounds like you guys hang out with Google , i have a right to have a attitude , i didn't do anything wrong , and my rant is not directed at YOU , its directed at Opera and the idiot that released a Update without testing it or asking if WE wanted this change to garbage , Opera was my main browser till this , now i have to use Firefox to actually use any forum i frequent , so yea , i'm pissed ... if anyone needs toosed out on their ear its the programmer that screwed this up !!
Deleted User last edited by
Oh and would i help someone acting this way ?? , I sure would , i would be the first to jump on the programmers about what a mess they made and tell them we have people Pissed about it and it needs resolved .. and make sure the person complaining has these issues they WE caused FIXED ....
Deleted User last edited by
As far as treating people like Human Beings , i said nothing derogatory to anyone on here , so maybe YOU need to chill
All i did was complain about a issue that turned Opera to crap , how is that treating anyone directly bad ????????????
I said NOTHING directly to anyone , nor did i call anyone replying any names , this is a forum to lodge complaints and report issues , i am doing both
Deleted User last edited by
Well it loks like even EBay is screwed up looking , , not all websites are this way , but the majority of sites i frequent are (motorcycle forums , automotive forums , EBay etc) , i have not visited every site i frequent , so as mentioned , i will have to use Firefox and re-log into every site i use because of this crappy update caused issue , because it has made Opera almost completely useless for browsing .... This needs to be FIXED !!! , or plan on a mutiny of a majority of Opera users ....just sayin ....
Deleted User last edited by
Hopefully this shows what it looks like
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Deleted User last edited by
Well actually it looks worse than this shows , if that tells you anything , but aside from everything is just running down 1 side , instead of a jumbled up like this , but thats all i see , nothing but text on My Ebay homepage , so its definitely a issue
Deleted User last edited by
most every site i visit looks like this , now do you see why i am pissed ???
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
The issue is , I DO use the Unsorted Bookmarks and i have lots of them in there , so it SHOULD have stayed
Well, they are removing it and I don't think anything will change regarding it. So you will need to get used to it.
About the bookmarks you had on it, aren't they in 'my bookmarks'?
the issue with the websites , is I DID NOT CHANGE ANYTHING !! , this CRAPPY UPDATE DID !!!
So far you seem to be the only one with this problem, so the chances of it being an Opera issue tends to be low.
Do you se any security/privacy related software that may be blocking pages content?
If you go to the Menu , it says near the bottom HELP , i click on that and it opens a webpage that says http://help.opera.com/opera/Windows/2393/en/ and its ALL in Japanese
The /en in the page address shows that it's in English and a page in English is what I see here.
Did you try to clean cache and cookies? What about a clean profile?
I did not cause this mess Opera did
Are you sure about that? Statistics show that 9 out of 10 people who come here ranting about issues like yours end finding out that it's not Opera's fault.
i have a right to have a attitude , i didn't do anything wrong , and my rant is not directed at YOU
Well, ranting is against the forum rules so you did - and I could say you are still doing - something wrong. So please calm down if you still want to be a member of this forum.
Remember that this is an users'forum and ranting will only prevent other users to try to help you.
Deleted User last edited by
Also , why are my posts being held for "moderation" ??? , this is crap , and the fact that your saying this is a USER forum ..... where are the people that work for Opera ???? , i guess they don't care enough about their product to take the time to see if people are having issues so they pass it on to the users ????? figures........ and i am not the only one with this issue , just go to the Opera for Windows forum and there are lots of posts jwith the EXACT same issues as mine ... maybe YOU should do some research before posting or blocking someone .....all YOUR doing is making matters worse by blocking me , YOU are about to lose Opera some users with YOUR attitude !!! this is BS .. a USER blocking me , where are the Opera Tech's that are supposed to be here ?????
A Former User last edited by
Your posts are being held because you posted ten posts in a row in quick succession, which is often a sign of spamming.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
why are my posts being held for "moderation" ???
Because the anti-spam system is catching them for some reason. Probably because there are lots of links on them. And also what Dave said.
and the fact that your saying this is a USER forum ..... where are the people that work for Opera ????
They may come here eventually but you should not expect any answers from them.
i guess they don't care enough about their product to take the time to see if people are having issues so they pass it on to the users ?????
They have more important things to do than deal with someone who acts like a spoiled child.
and i am not the only one with this issue , just go to the Opera for Windows forum and there are lots of posts jwith the EXACT same issues as mine
The 'unsorted bookmarks'thing maybe but not the sites issues.
maybe YOU should do some research before posting or blocking someone
If you are blocked, it will be because of your attitude and violation of the rules.
all YOUR doing is making matters worse by blocking me
No, I would be only taking care of the order here in the forums. You don't have the right to come here and do whatever you want.
YOU are about to lose Opera some users
You will not be missed.
a USER blocking me
Not just an user but a moderator.
where are the Opera Tech's that are supposed to be here ?????
They aren't, that's the point.
Well, this discussion ends here. Depending on how you behave, you may be able to keep posting about your issue. Anything else will be removed and may lead to a ban.
Deleted User last edited by
Well like the update ....Thats just stupid , same crappy outlook to users as Google Chrome , looks like Opera is using them as a example on how to run a crappy browser....looks like Opera is going to be losing users , they just RUINED IT . and their Tech Support SUCKS , pretty sad when Users have to help people because the people who made the browser are too lazy or don't give a crap enough to do their job..... . looks like i will have to find a new browser that actually listens to people and doesn't make stupid changes without ASKING FIRST if we want a change , the Update just made Opera useless for me ,out of 50 web pages i have TRIED to visit today (sites i regularly visit that worked PERFECT till the update) , i can view about 10 normally , all the others are looking like what i posted , just gibberish and text ....Thanks for nothing Opera , Opera must work for Trump , just make stupid decisions without looking at the overall effect it has on everyone .....great so much for technology getting better.......i'm done with it till they put it back EXACTLY as it was before the crappy update/downgrade , if they don't , then its getting deleted , as its now Junk.... ....