[Solved]How to change the default Opera's Cache directory ?
thinhrobe last edited by
Hi, I'm using Opera v43.0 on Window10 x64, we all know the directory of Profile and Cache folder in :
-Profile: C:\Users<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable
-Cache: C:\Users<UserName>\AppData\Local\Opera Software\Opera Stable
Can we change it to another folder inor E: ..v.v.. ?
thinhrobe last edited by
Thanks @leocg, It worked for me !!!
For those who got the same question like me, create a shortcut to the "launcher.exe" in Opera installed folder, rightclick on it and select Property, at "Target", add those command :-
--user-data-dir=<YourCustomDirectory> -> change the Profile folder
--disk-cache-dir=<YourCustomDirectory> -> change the Cache folder