New version of Opera for Android with UI overhaul
personal1985 last edited by
Opera changed the user interface a lot, I like it but remember I did get used to it with the Beta version slowly.
As said I put back the old version from a backup because of the micro stutter.
I tested Google Chrome with Engine 55 and it is not the Chromium Engine 54 causing micro stutter.
Micro stutter is for example very visible when playing some games on a desktop PC which has multiple video cards.
Tested on:
Samsung N8000
Samsung N7100Remember it's not the hardware or engine. It's very noticeable even on the smallest websites.
But I like the new UI and when the Beta is working like butter fluently I will wait and try again.
nerv2 last edited by
Assist application? What's the point of this option? It just opens Google now app and that's all...
Perhaps will work if Opera Browser can be the default app triggering Assist API. Related info
rebelwolf4622 last edited by
Does anyone know why opera no longer supports extensions/addons for Android?
Deleted User last edited by
why do we have to import speeddials one by one? omg opera is such a bullshit
Deleted User last edited by
and where did the data counter gone? and yet no decent password management?
karloson67 last edited by
3 buttons for exit: menu (right down corner) + exit (left down corner) + confirmation (middle of the screen)... That is terrible!
Adblocker works only in data saving mode. Translator works...sometimes. The new UI is ugly and unconfortable. -
karloson67 last edited by
I can't sign in Opera forums in Opera browser for android. When click on "sign in", opens message "There's no access to this site". The forum page is constantly refreshed and I can not open any section because as soon as I click the title, page is refreshed and returns to the forum homepage.
This happens only in Opera android browser, v.42.0.2246.112628. -
A Former User last edited by
Opera 42.0 still issues mobile websites on some sites while the user agent is in desktop mode, while other browsers show the full site for the same website. This bug occurs since opera 41.0.
E.g, In 2017 this is not needed anymore as modern tablets and smartphones work normally with full sites, particularly when they are responsive.
Mobile sites are sooo 2003 as these are limited WAP sites.Can there be an option that the user sets the user agent by a self-defined string to avoid those WAP sites ?
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.91 Safari/537.36 OPR/42.0.2246.112628
samtreloar last edited by
No data counter anywhere at all. Many items claimed to be in three-dot menu top right are non-existent.
Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 running 5.0.2
use141 last edited by
To-Opera mill can you reply on my request that I want tab closer button on the right side I'm asking this since 4 months back please reply To My request, if you don't listen to the users of Opera why are you maintaining forums no one is replying to my request this is really annoying... you are making changes according to your wish but not on users feedback.
tim36912 last edited by
I'm really disappointed with the direction of this new UI. There used to be an additional layout that has been removed in this latest version. It was much easier to use on a mobile one handed. The current ui is not very good at all for one handed use.
Another issue is the speed dial. As many others have said, it doesnt make sense to not have this as the default page on a new tab. I want to be able to open a tab wherever I wantand launch a speed dial item. Now the oy option is for the tab to appear next to the horrid fixed speed dial front tab.
gengerr last edited by
Couldn't agree more with most posters. A truly horrible, and useless Home tab, that's permanently open wasting resources, but actually does nothing!
And why so many glitches, freezes and crashes?
On multiple sites!
I shall return to Firefox until you guys quit the BS and get back to making a decent browser -
lunafag last edited by
Efficient tab switching, eh?
Well, that's quite dreadful. The old version was less cluttered and had exactly the same functionality. Move hamburger menu to the three dots menu, move home page to new tab page, make "add to" a submenu and bam, it's already way more usable. [sarcasm]Here's a quick mock up of that:[/sarcasm] -
A Former User last edited by
Any plans to make the latest realease version available on ftp server? That would be fantastic!
Deleted User last edited by
I did not see this thread, so I opened a new one. But honestly, this new UI is a complete disaster. While I was actually very satisfied with Opera for Android, with the new interface I have spent the whole day yesterday trying new browsers:
It keeps a useless non-private tab open at all times, which can't be closed and is mostly useless.
When opening a new tab, instead of seeing options for opening items from History and Bookmarks, the only thing available is the addressbar. If I want to see something more, I need to switch to that first tab.
The addressbar, which in the old version displayed suggestions based on what you typed, now only displays suggestions it wants. For example, if I had the website "" in my bookmarks, after typing "ex" I could click on the "" suggestion. Now, the suggestions totally ignores what the user types.
There are two toolbars now, which waste more space, which is precious in a mobile, while not providing any more features.
If I scroll down and the page goes fullscreen, many times I'm unable to get out of fullscreen, so I cannot switch tabs because the button is hidden.
Sync used to work nice, now I just can't trust it anymore. Sometimes I can see the history and open tabs from other devices, sometimes nothing appears.
Turbo can now be disabled only by going through the settings dialog.
The old interface was overall organized. In the new, finding anything is hard and frustrating.
The best suggestion I can give is to totally ditch the new interface and come back to the old one. This situation is totally different from there was the switch from Presto, because we know how hard is to keep a whole rendering engine well maintained. But this new design was really just change for the sake of change!
Please you, don't ignore us users anymore, and maybe create polls in the forums before deciding on major changes! If there are some things that users enjoyed in this latest update (which I honestly doubt), switch back to the old interface and then implement them gradually one by one, but only the ones that you let the users vote before!
twozero3 last edited by
I agree. Opera really should have the dignity to abandon the new user interface as a failed experiment, worth a try but ultimately unsuccessful. It has no positive redeeming features at all, only negative.
mrninko last edited by
Do you plan to fix and done properly data saving counter (which is not showing at all) and also add easier access to ob/off data saving. It's ridiculous how it takes too long do it... This year please
A Former User last edited by
Please update the old interface and add it back as an option. The new interface wastes screen real estate and the refresh button, my fav feature of android opera, is gone.
Not every app needs to reflect the material design.
personal1985 last edited by
Hi, thanks for giving feedback! We will investigate this and see what we can find regarding the stutter issue.I found an easy way to make Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7100 and Note 10.1 N8000 or N8010 scroll fluently.
Simple: As long as (in tablet mode) the user interface is visible or either invisible scrolling is perfect. The stutter can be circumvented by an option to always show the Tablet User Interface in tablet mode at the top of the screen. It's very obvious stuttering happens when deciding to scroll in the User interface into the screen. This started with the new user interface.
So a quick solution in tablet mode is always show the top screen menus. My phone and tablet are big enough.
Dirty: I locked my phone on maximum performance 1600 MHz. Yes it works but drains the battery unbelievable fast. No kernel is available to ramp up fast enough the core frequency from 200 MHz to 1400 MHz just to bring in the menu.
Off course I did undo any CPU clocking. It's not the click speed or CPU power but the Opera Team needs to reimplement such a needed CPU spike not happening.
Improved animation like a simple menu scrolling in shouldn't use max CPU since pressing the menu to get bookmarks especially in the beginning stuttered but improved after a few releases later.
Conclusion: Like firefox standard does always shows the tabbar and addressbar I need Opera to give me and others an option to have these bars always visible. Ironically firefox has an option to not always show these bars and then is buggy but no stutter in firefox.
Solvabel: ? Yes, a simple option always show tab bars and adress bar.
I have tested this by scrolling in al directions. Opera wouldn't consume CPU spikes anymore with such a simple solution.