Opera Sold
A Former User last edited by
Actors and proprietors are not the same.
There are different degrees of proprietors' influences on enterprises. For example, there is a landlord that doesn't give a crack, when there is a family living in an apartment minding own business.
Huh! there is this case. Russia. Administration changes from crooks to thieves, then it takes a couple of decades for the country to visibly show signs of falling apart.A couple of years ago, a bank here changed hands. Undereducated people here might have got startled about it, but nothing happened: there money wasn't stolen, offices didn't close... Some improvements though in service have accumulated since.
fdadsa3 last edited by
ive used 360 on and off for a few years. i am not very impressed with them, but i am no more impressed with western "security software" either. i think alot of the comments on here are not credible as they criticise Chinese software while ignoring western "security threts". i mean do we honestly know what norton, mcafe, avira, and avast do with the info after they scan our hardrives? let's not kid ourselves, western corprations are no more transparent than China, or North Koria. ive used alot of western "antiviruses", and all they did was slow down my computer, while not really killing any viruses. i dont see any shils say "oh hel no, im never using european software anymore". in any case, i would like to see China try to take presto one step further. i also think that China should fork firefox. use your common sense. i would feel much safer with my data in China, that way, it would be much harder for cops from the west to snoop through my data, particularly if i was living in a western country. as it stands, any cop from any western country can pretty much get your data with a warant which is very easy to get in western courts (ie europe), [ive personally witnessed how easy it was for western cops to obtain warants from western rejimes with very little or no reason at all] however, if they wanted to get your data from China, i would imagine it would be difficult for western authorities (and they would actually need legitimate reasons), or anyone for that matter to obtain your data legally. and perhaps thats the real reason why u see so many shils fear mongering over Chinese software. but you know what, i still use Chinese browsers for different purposes, just cause all the shils tell me not to
fdadsa3 last edited by
let me also add that i pretty much stopped using opera after 12.15. and it was a mistake for them to discontinue presto. whats the point of using opera if all the later versions are chrome anyway? if im going to use a chrome based browser, might as well just use 360 or maxthon directly? my hope is that China will come up with an independent browser, independent from gecko, ie, and chrome. unfortunately, the Chinese are too afraid of offending their western masters.
blackbird71 last edited by
... let's not kid ourselves, western corprations are no more transparent than China, or North Koria. ...
If you can't recognize the vast differences between "Western corporations" and "China or North Korea", then there's not much point in discussing that further. Your comments, after all, seem to revolve around issues of a user's privacy concerns regarding his local or national law enforcement agencies possibly exploiting user data against the user. It also seems apparent you haven't spent quality time living in either of those two countries experiencing their encompassing and repressive citizen observation techniques.
The only relevant question, IMO, is the degree of design independence Opera will continue having from governmental intrusions by any nationality, going forward. I have yet to see any reason for meaningful concern in that regard. If Chinese owners invest significant financial resources into Opera's browser design without inserting elements that undermine the privacy integrity of the browser, its sync mechanisms, or its VPN/Turbo network, that presents no inherent problem and could greatly improve the browser. On the other hand, if blocks of Chinese-originated or mandated code are shoehorned into the browser or VPN/Turbo servers for obscure or nefarious purposes, that would be a different story; and I would expect a corresponding outcry from Opera's experienced designers - and others - outside China. At this point, all that's happened is a financial sale has closed.
Deleted User last edited by
well and truthful spoken, sir
where would i find your warning canary?
nerv2 last edited by
Opera was 'sold' in 2010 right after Google's Mechs takeover in AD 2009. Boo!
"God's in his Heaven/All's right with the world!" :rip:
A Former User last edited by
Been with Opera for many years (late 90's) and was sorry to see the switch from Presto to Blink and of course the departure of its founder AND the loss of the "My Opera" blogs and forum. I noticed in the news that following the acquisition of key parts of the company, several tier-one engineers submitted their resignations. One has to wonder if they know something we users do not but only time will tell. Under Chinese ownership the question of surveillance and possible financial hacking is one that would make me hesitant to use the browser for any shopping or banking. Maybe my tinfoil hat is a little tight but I simply do not trust the Chinese to that extent. I'm so saddened to see Opera following this course and suppose that the only real alternative now is Vivaldi. Any thoughts?
A Former User last edited by
Thoughts on an alternative?
Yes, I have a thought.
It's an incentive to start caring about human rights in China. :sherlock: -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
the loss of the "My Opera" blogs and forum
'My Opera' was nice but turned into something that didn't worth the efforts and costs to keep it running.
I noticed in the news that following the acquisition of key parts of the company, several tier-one engineers submitted their resignations
It's not something that uncommon to happen when a company is acquired. Usually there are some restructuring and some people may use it as a stepping stone to try something new.
Under Chinese ownership the question of surveillance and possible financial hacking is one that would make me hesitant to use the browser for any shopping or banking.
Well, your computer probably has many of its parts made in China. Who knows if they aren't already getting some data from you?
Although the owners are now Chinese, Opera is still a Norwegian company and therefore needs to follow Norwegian laws.
Any thoughts?
On what?
suppose that the only real alternative now is Vivaldi.
I see Vivaldi somehow as a college project for some nostalgic people. I'm not really sure if it is something for the newer and future generations.
A Former User last edited by
Thanks for responding, Leo. When I asked for feedback (i.e. any thoughts) I was just asking for general comments on what I had said (i.e. security of Opera under Chinese ownership, viability of the new Vivaldi browser and so forth). I'm not trying to persuade people of anything since I'm confused myself. For instance, while it's true that Opera is still bound by Norwegian laws, that doesn't necessarily mean that the software will therefore remain unscathed. It's a matter of trust that I'm wrestling with - that is, can I trust the new Chinese ownership? When we see the Chinese incursions into international waters it's a reminder that China does as China wants, period. They're not bound by laws that they see interfering with their own best interests. I would have more "faith" in an Icelandic company like Vivaldi than a Chinese company based upon its past actions. Honestly, I don't know what to make of it all and therefore until I can get a handle on it, Opera remains "off" of my computer.
As for Vivaldi, I agree with you that it appears to be going in a reverse, nostalgic direction that immediately earmarks it for a very small segment of users (i.e. so-called power users and/or geeks who love to tinker incessantly with their browsers). What it does have for me is Icelandic "purity" of sorts and that is an attraction. Will I make it my default browser? Probably not since I don't want a 90's style browser suite.
Lastly, whereas the My Opera blogs/forums were costly they were also desirable in keeping a community within the Opera sphere. This forum is nothing at all like it and a simple look at the few dozen posts per day would confirm that. Over at Vivaldi they are making attempts at re-creating the My Opera feature and it's attracting users. Opera really should take a longer look at re-introducing such a feature here. Currently their numbers are not very encouraging and as Edge becomes more popular I can foresee a time when Opera will simply cease to exist in the browser market unless they do something more radical to attract and not just retain users.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Lastly, whereas the My Opera blogs/forums were costly they were also desirable in keeping a community within the Opera sphere
Well, social networks are there for it.
My Opera was basically Opera's blogs and forums and we still have them nowadays.
Over at Vivaldi they are making attempts at re-creating the My Opera feature and it's attracting users
Most probably the same nostalgic people that the browser attracts.
Opera really should take a longer look at re-introducing such a feature here
My Opera was a very good idea/concept when it started. Back on that time, social networks didn't have the same coverage as of today and the idea of having an community made sense.
Now I don't think it makes sense to have something like this.
Currently their numbers are not very encouraging
What and whose numbers?
as Edge becomes more popular I can foresee a time when Opera will simply cease to exist in the browser market unless they do something more radical to attract and not just retain users.
And why do you think like this?
that is, can I trust the new Chinese ownership?
What made you trust the previous ownership?
A Former User last edited by
I'm not sure how to answer any of your questions without misrepresenting myself or casting myself in a bad light so I think I'll just leave them unanswered.
However, I'd like to ask you a question: do you use the Opera browser to make online purchases and other financial transactions?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
However, I'd like to ask you a question: do you use the Opera browser to make online purchases and other financial transactions?
For sure. Opera has been my default browser for a long time and I use it for everything on the web.
I'm not sure how to answer any of your questions without misrepresenting myself or casting myself in a bad light so I think I'll just leave them unanswered.
I thought they were simple questions.
A Former User last edited by
The questions were simple but the answers more difficult to frame. You're a clever one, Leo. <wry grin>
Thanks for answering my question. Perhaps it's time for me to remove my tinfoil hat. Who can say?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
The questions were simple but the answers more difficult to frame.
I thought answers should be easy to be given.
You're a clever one, Leo.
I am? Why?
Perhaps it's time for me to remove my tinfoil hat. Who can say?
I guess maybe only you can say that.
A Former User last edited by
Leo, have you read this report: http://www.ghacks.net/2016/11/19/key-opera-software-employees-quit/
Here is an excerpt from it:
by Martin Brinkmann on November 19, 2016 in Opera - Last Update:November 19, 2016 53
If you are following members of Opera Software's Developer Relations team on Twitter or elsewhere, you may have noticed that most announced that they left the company recently or are about to leave it.Bruce Lawson, Andreas Bovens, Shwetank Dixit and Vadim Makeev all announced in the past couple of days that they have parted ways with Opera Software or are about to.
In fact, the only DevReal member left standing is Mathias Bynens who joined Opera Software in January 2014.
Bruce Lawson was Opera Software's Deputy Chief Technology Officer and worked at the company since 2008.
Andreas Bovens was Opera Software's Android Product Manager and Dev Relations Lead. He worked at the company since 2007.
Shwetank Dixit was Opera Software's Extensions Program Manager and Web Evangelist. He worked at Opera since 2007.
Vadim Makeev worked as a Web Evangelist at Opera Software since 2009.Are there any indicators why the team left? Three of the four posted the information on Twitter. They did not reveal why they are leaving or left Opera Software, only that they did and that they are looking for new job opportunities.
This, and the fact that they have all quit at around the same time, suggests that the decisions have been recent and not planned for a long time.
There was one major change recently, the acquisition of Opera Software's browser and Opera Max by a Chinese consortium.
Bruce Lawson more of less confirms that the acquisition has something to do with him leaving the company in a blog post on his personal blog.
After Operaβs consumer products (browsers and Opera Max) were taken over by a Chinese consortium on 4 November, Opera and I are parting ways by mutual agreement. Iβm no longer a representative or spokesman for Opera products, or the Opera brand.
It seems likely that the other team members of Opera's DevRel team based their decision on that as well but this has not been confirmed by the team members leaving or by Opera Software.
All quitting team members are looking for new jobs. All four are highly experienced with lots of expertise and knowledge. While there should be plenty of opportunities for each of them, it would not be much of a surprise if they ended up working for another "web browser" producing company.
(You can read the entire report at the link above)
For all of these engineers to quit at the same time suggests there is something wrong. Until we know exactly why all of them would quit, it seems prudent (at least to me) to hold back on adopting Opera as my default browser. I need to know more.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
have you read this report
I remember have taken a look on the article a while ago.
Although it may be kinda sad that they had to leave at the same time, it's something that may happen when there is an acquisition either because of changes or because of disagreements.