[Solved]Can I restore my bookmarks straight from the Bookmarks.bak file?
relaksantti last edited by
Hmmm, now that you mentioned it. I did save the original file also (didn't realize until now that .bak is a backup file). It doesn't matter though, as I already tried replacing the new with the old one and it doesn't help. No idea why.
relaksantti last edited by
What happens when you replace the Bookmarks file? You don't see any bookmarks?
Yes. That's exactly what happens.
relaksantti last edited by
Yes. That's exactly what happens.
Do you see anything in the bookmarks manager?
I'm not sure what you mean by bookmark manager exactly. As far as I know, I've checked every possible thing that is somehow related to bookmarks in the Opera settings (and with Import & Export addon). And while I can import the file as .html and then export it, it still doesn't help.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
I'm not sure what you mean by bookmark manager exactly
Click on the heart icon on the navigation bar at the left of the start page or go to menu > bookmarks > show all bookmarks.
If you open the bookmarks file in a text editor, do you see references to your bookmarks?
relaksantti last edited by
Click on the heart icon on the navigation bar at the left of the start page or go to menu > bookmarks > show all bookmarks.
Nothing there.
If you open the bookmarks file in a text editor, do you see references to your bookmarks?
Yes. That's what I meant by "doing it manually one by one", which I'd very much like to avoid as there are so huge amount of bookmarks
A Former User last edited by
Is there an "Imported bookmarks" folder in the tree to the left of the Bookmarks Manager?
Your bookmarks aren't hidden in there by any chance?
Why they should be there would be a mystery if the Bookmarks file has been replaced, but worth a check.
Also look under "My folders".
relaksantti last edited by
Is there an "Imported bookmarks" folder in the tree to the left of the Bookmarks Manager?
Also look under "My folders".
Nothing there.
relaksantti last edited by
Not even on the folders at the left?
Nothing there. That's the first place I checked.
relaksantti last edited by
That's strange.
If you do a clean standalone installation and replace its bookmarks file with yours, what happens?I don't know what difference it would make as I already took the bookmark files on my USB memory stick (from the previous install), formatted my HDD, installed a whole new version of Windows, downloaded Opera from the internet, installed it on my computer and replaced the bookmark files with the old ones.
relaksantti last edited by
I'm trying to check if there is something wrong with Opera's profile or maybe with the bookmarks file.
I'll try it out tomorrow and report back to you. Unfortunately today is a busy day.
relaksantti last edited by
Damn, I feel so stupid now. As I was replacing the bookmark files on the stand-alone version, I realized that I had completely ignored one of the files I took as a backup, which was the BookmarksExtras-file. Copied and replaced Bookmarks file and the BookmarksExtras file and now it works. Thanks for guiding me into the right direction, even though probably this wasn't exactly what you had in mind