@maydin95 Hello and sorry for the delay.. My hard drive broke and I did not had any linux installed to test.
It seems to me that the Opera Developers don't have the intention to support widevine in Opera linux for some reason.
I did many changes and tests.
modified the widevine.config.json from: /opt/google/chrome/libwidevinecdm.so to /opt/google/chrome/WidevineCdm/_platform_specific/linux_x64/libwidevinecdm.so (and subsecuent) since the latest chrome changed the libwidevinecdm.so location.
I downloaded the latest libffmpeg.so and made sure H.264 support was enabled (Test it on: https://html5test.com/).
I created a soft link using: ln -s /opt/google/chrome/WidevineCdm/_platform_specific/linux_x64/libwidevinecdm.so /opt/google/chrome/ to be able to keep the original widevine_config.json file from opera (This worked great before so I didn't have to modify it everytime opera got updated.
Nothing works... 
In conclusion.. Opera doesn't work with widevine anymore (As of today), I hope the Opera Developers would explain why, but probably they don't care about linux users anymore.
I even installed Opera for Windows and noticed that there is a folder named WidevineCdm located at: C:\Users\userprofile\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\WidevineCdm\ that seems to be google Chrome's.. so did the same on the linux side and did many tests, I even changed the manifest.json with no success.
I noticed that in the manifest.json file the widevine library for linux is not defined so I did it myself.. Still it doesn't work.
I have to say that I love Opera but since it doesn't work with widevine anymore and unable to watch netflix and listen to spotify I will remove it from my system.
I'll keep you posted just in case it works for me.
Ezequiel Partida (ZekeMX)