@drakostaarn It is useless to ask them about it. I already wrote to them about this many times, and not only me, always ignoring from the developers. Opera does not find this feature useful. The only browser where there is still no extension synchronization, despite the fact that it has been on the Chrome engine for several years.

Posts made by vomax007
RE: Opera 81 StableBlogs
RE: Opera browser becomes available in Microsoft Store on WindowsBlogs
@andrew84 Hi. I launched Opera today, and miraculously, the button returned to the sidebar. Thank you for your advice.
RE: Opera browser becomes available in Microsoft Store on WindowsBlogs
@andrew84 Hi. This flag does not change anything. I've already tried enabling it before writing it on the Opera forum. After turning it on, the button on the sidebar does not appear, respectively, in no other way, you can no longer open tabs from other devices. The convenient function was killed.
RE: Opera browser becomes available in Microsoft Store on WindowsBlogs
@leocg OK. User @eliotcougar posts political topics on the forum. Browser is discussed here, not politics. There are other forums for political debates.
I wrote about the browser, @eliotcougar answered me about politics.
Let @eliotcougar keep his opinion on politics to himself in this forum. -
RE: Opera browser becomes available in Microsoft Store on WindowsBlogs
But for some reason, they removed the necessary function, the tabs button from the sidebar. Previously, open tabs from other devices were synchronized there. You could open tabs from phone to PC. Now there is no such possibility. Today I rushed to open it, and did not find it. I'm furious! Only developers constantly delete something useful. This was the case with the convenient panel in the address bar. Well, extension synchronization, a painful topic for me, is probably never implemented in this browser, when all browsers already have it. And I did not install anything from the Microsoft Store and I will not install Opera from there. I am already thinking of finally switching to a more functional Yandex Browser, although there, for a long time, there is a very necessary function for synchronizing extensions. It's a pity to switch to another browser after spending more than 11 years with your favorite Opera browser.
RE: Opera ships major new version of its desktop browser, codenamed R5Blogs
@netscapevo And why do I need Opera GX? It also lacks extension synchronization like Opera Beta and Opera Developer. This function is already in absolutely all browsers: Vivaldi, Yandex Browser, EDGE, Chrome, Firefox, and even unpopular ones based on Chromium, But Opera is ahead of the planet, and is not going to implement this function, which is the most necessary for me. Since every reinstallation of Windows OS, you have to install a bunch of extensions manually from two stores - Opera and Chrome, True, I found one extension in the Opera store - V7 Extension Manager, but this is not a way out of the situation. Opera is not a full-fledged browser without it. For so many years, the browser is older than some of the above, and on the Chromium engine Opera is already several years old, and they cannot implement a simple function. They have long been overtaken in this by other, younger Chromium browsers.
RE: Opera ships major new version of its desktop browser, codenamed R5Blogs
And the synchronization of extensions has not been done in any way for several years now. But they turned off the VPN in Russia. How long can I wait for extensions to sync? You will lose the last users. How much can I ask you about this? Patience is not rubber. Even the young EDGE is there, but the old Opera still does not. By the way, I've been using Opera for over 11 years. I do not need your built-in messengers, I do not need your built-in player, which works Only with certain sites, and not with any where there is music. I need a very useful and very convenient extension synchronization function, and many people need it. Without it, your browser is incomplete. Who am I writing this to? Opera will never implement this feature, as it does not value its users, and the admins never respond to this request. They only respond to other requests. Ugh, I'm disappointed in Opera. All the best!
RE: Opera 76.0.4017.154 Stable updateBlogs
When will extension sync finally appear??? The answer, as always, will not be from you???
RE: Opera 76.0.4017.123 stable updateBlogs
When will extension sync appear? All browsers have had this feature for a long time, only Opera does not. But, of course, I will not get a response from the developers, as always
. Like peas against the wall.
RE: Как синхронизировать расширения?Русский
@myvitaliy 2021 год, у Opera по прежнему нет функции синхронизации расширений. Просить их об этом бесполезно. У всех браузеров уже давно есть.
RE: SaveFrom.net helperOpera add-ons
Сегодня антивирус KIS стал разрываться из-за расширения SaveFrom каждые 20-30 секунд от блокировки левого сайта ht_tps://gatpsstat.com/ext.
Это уже не первый раз. Время от времени такое повторяется с вашим расширением.
У меня антивирус блокирует переходы на левый сайт и находит там трояны: HEUR:Trojan.Multi.Preqw.genРепутация у вашего расширения уже ниже плинтуса. Другой человек мне сегодня подтвердил, что у него с утра Яндекс Браузер заблокировал ваше троянское расширение.
Отчёт KIS.
Событие : Обнаружен вредоносный объект
Пользователь : DESKTOP-ZXC123P\Хозяин
Тип пользователя : Активный пользователь
Имя программы : opera.exe
Путь к программе : C:\Users\Хозяин\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\73.0.3856.284
Компонент : Веб-Антивирус
Описание результата : Обнаружено
Тип : Троянская программа
Название : HEUR:Trojan.Multi.Preqw.gen
Точность : Точно
Степень угрозы : Высокая
Тип объекта : Файл
Имя объекта : stat
Путь к объекту : https:// gatpsstat. com/ext
MD5 : 46A950EE43BE1D3407B72BEB95DC972C
Причина : Экспертный анализ
Дата выпуска баз : Сегодня, 24.12.2020 8:32:00
RE: SaveFrom.net helperOpera add-ons
@hyoku: Аналогично. Сегодня антивирус стал разрываться каждые 20-30 секунд от блокировки левого сайта ht_tps://gatpsstat.com/ext
Событие : Обнаружен вредоносный объект
Пользователь : DESKTOP-ZXC123P\Хозяин
Тип пользователя : Активный пользователь
Имя программы : opera.exe
Путь к программе : C:\Users\Хозяин\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\73.0.3856.284
Компонент : Веб-Антивирус
Описание результата : Обнаружено
Тип : Троянская программа
Название : HEUR:Trojan.Multi.Preqw.gen
Точность : Точно
Степень угрозы : Высокая
Тип объекта : Файл
Имя объекта : stat
Путь к объекту : ht_tps://gatpsstat. com/ext
MD5 : 46A950EE43BE1D3407B72BEB95DC972C
Причина : Экспертный анализ
Дата выпуска баз : Сегодня, 24.12.2020 8:32:00 -
RE: Opera 71.0.3770.271 Stable updateBlogs
After this update, scrolling with the mouse wheel stopped working. Then Opera 71.0.3770.271 was updated to version 71.0.3770.284, but scrolling with the mouse wheel still does not work. Sometimes it just scrolls down once a centimeter and that's it, with the slider the scrolling is fine. Please correct!
RE: Opera переосмыслила функцию синхронизации, сделав ее максимально простой в новых версиях десктопного и Android-браузераBlogs
@Bardwell Уже несколько раз об этом их просил. Но им видимо нет до этого дела, как и ответов на мои просьбы. Уже у всех браузеров расширения синхронизируются, а у некоторых ещё со времён динозавров. А Opera довольно старый браузер, а сделать элементарную функцию не могут. Это самый большой её минус. Приходиться делать скриншоты всех расширений. Если я переустанавливаю Windows, то после установки Opera нужно долго и нудно их все устанавливать с двух магазинов - Опера и Хром, а у меня их много.
RE: Opera 71 updateBlogs
This is all good, of course, but will you ever do the synchronization of extensions, as all popular browsers already did a few years ago? This is really a useful innovation that I think many users will appreciate. I asked about it the last time, several versions ago. And return the convenient 'Copy' and 'Paste' buttons to the address bar, which for some reason you removed in one of the versions. Best regards, user of the world's best browser Opera!
RE: Opera 70 comes with easier access to closed tabs, simpler searches, and new Workspace iconsBlogs
I am now interested in this question. I see Opera developers are in no hurry to implement this. The bottom line is this. All popular browsers are already able to sync extensions from your account. That is, when you install a browser and log into your account, a lot of things are synchronized, including previously installed extensions. Synchronization of extensions is available in such browsers as: Mozilla Firefox, Vivaldi, Yandex Browser, Microsoft Edge (Chromium), Google Chrome. Only Opera still can't sync extensions. Opera is the best in everything, the best among all the above browsers, but why is there no such necessary function as extension synchronization. When reinstalling Windows and installing Opera, each time you have to install all your extensions from the two stores manually, instead of Opera Browser doing it for you. Is it really that difficult to introduce this feature into the world's best browser, which I have been using for over 10 years (since the days of Opera Presto).