Doesn't work (tested on pinterest).
Posts made by Vincie
- Opera add-ons
RE: Download problem is swallowedOpera for Windows
@leocg Looks like you didn't test all possible cases. This is what I have in Opera 88.0.4412.53:
(download immediately fails, but toolbar "download" button still the same)
Extension URL is exposedOpera for Windows
I installed extension "New Tab Start Page", which replaces clumsy start page from Opera. In version 87 it worked well (but sometime didn't appear- default start page still shown). Now in v88.0.4412.53 this extension works, but instead of clean address field I see "chrome-extension://pncpfofkienlinhfknpmgjnjhdoclfhh/newtab.html" - what's that?? What is changed in opera that extension stopped working properly?
Download speed shown incorrectOpera for Windows
There is two speeds of downloading: current and "medium". Opera shows only current (and only during downloading), which makes sense only at the moment of looking. But I want to see medium speed for a whole file! Please add this number to existing one and show it for downloaded files too (so you can inspect history and see where was problem).
Download problem is swallowedOpera for Windows
When Opera downloads smth and network error happens, downloading stops. But User doesn't know about it! He can see problem only when he again opens list of downloads. Opera needs some unobtrusive, but easy visible way to show user the problem. For example, red icon w exclamation on the main window - then user can easy redownload file.
RE: Notification window is wrongOpera for Windows
@sgunhouse I guess downloading image or any other file works thru the same procedure (what is right). What I suggest is one of variants:
- Replace notification with simple tooltip (standard Windows element). Or have both and let user switch between 'em.
- Improve notification to Not intercept keyboard focus. It's stupid and inconvenient during web surfing.
- For image show just tooltip, while for other types show notification. Again user can select behaviour thru settings.
RE: Notification window is wrongOpera for Windows
@sgunhouse Problem is any additional "pressing" or "clicks" are unnecessary, inconvenient. I saved image - OK, nothing important happen! Once image saved, I want to use PgDn to continue scroll the page. Currently it's impossible, because notification window grabs keyboard focus. It's wrong design and implementation. Simple tooltip is enough to say "download is finished". Is it possible to replace "overnotification" with simple tooltip? Or at least make notification to NOT grab focus?
New "easy files" dialog is annoying!Opera for Windows
Guys, Before you switch On any feature, please Ask User does he want to see your "improvements"! I always had normal "open file dialog", but now (without any notification/approval) I see this clumsy window, which I even don't know what means. Ask User and show him "before feature" and "after feature" status. I do not like to waste time on digging in settings and Off your so called "improvements".
Notification window is wrongOpera for Windows
It seems Opera uses own implementation for tooltip (or notification). As a result, when I save picture and "download completed" notification appears, Opera completely Looses Keyboard Focus! And while this notification on screen (it stays forever), it intercepts all my keys (PgDn, for example) so I cannot scroll down page. It's annoying behaviour. I prefer not to see any notifications at all, than additionally clicking to remove notification.
I offer to stop showing your custom windows - use normal, native Windows' tooltip - it's enough to say to user "download completed" And (!!!!) native Windows tooltips Never Intercept Focus .