As I said earlier, running Opera with a "--alt-high-dpi-setting=96" switch fixes it for me, both the display of web pages and the size of the Opera UI elements.
I'm on Windows XP at 1920x1080 with "large" (120) DPI setting.
If this isn't working the cause must be something different to what I'm experiencing.
Although this annoying "feature" is by design, I've filed a bug report about it too!
THANKS A LOT!!!! Man you are made my day. Hell no< you made my month! )))
OMG I've been struggling for few months and switched to Chrome due to this BUG. And yes christoph142, that's not how it should work. And I don't care how long you are going to explain "this is a feature" in retarded Micrsoft "users don't need Start button" way, because EVERYTHING used to word perfect before Opera 24 release and it f*cked up my Opera browsing experience. While EVERY SINLE App and browser works just fine.
I really hope developers are going to do something with that, but as I can see Opera 26 for developers has same issue. That's very frustating.
Sorry for my struggling english