That's not the answer I'm looking for. I want to know why you break privacy badger with updates each time. And what's with all the damn clicking of pictures when we log in.
Posts made by starlight
RE: Privacy badger broken after updatesOpera for Windows
Privacy badger broken after updatesOpera for Windows
Why does Opera always break Privacy badger every time it updates?.
- Opera for Windows
RE: 3rd party cookiesOpera for Windows
Right, so I block in normal and private mode is automictically blocked?. Because when you block in normal it takes it off private mode according to the settings..don't get me wrong I haven't had a problem with private mode, it just confused me when I saw private mode not blocking 3rd party cookies. -
3rd party cookiesOpera for Windows
Are third party cookies blocked in private mode automatically?..because I see a choice in both of one or the other. You can't tick both, but why can't you.
RE: Annoying opera emailForum feedback
I've done this but I still get them, I can hear the buzzer going now to say I've got another notification from the forums. -
RE: Annoying opera emailForum feedback
I'm getting email notifications from every part of the forum, my email box is full of them, what goes on..every time I cancel notifications by email, it then reverts back to email notifications and it all starts over again. -
Annoying opera emailForum feedback
Annoying emails from forum after turning everything off..fix it please, I'm snowed under with bloody emails from everything.
- Opera for Windows
- Opera for Windows
RE: Facebook is blockedOpera for Windows
Find it odd, but I'm curious. I can use facebook in opera on the desktop but not on the laptop. are there different versions for desktop and laptop?.
RE: Facebook is blockedOpera for Windows
How come, if we all get the same update but some of us can't access parts of the web, but if another browser is used it's ok?..just look at the list of problems everyday on here.
RE: Facebook is blockedOpera for Windows
Facebook /Your request couldn't be processed/ again this crops up with every update...can a mod please explain?.
- Opera for Windows
RE: Facebook is blockedOpera for Windows
Opera isn't letting it set cookies, I think. I usually get a except cookies but this isn't coming in ghost mode or ordinary mode. -
RE: Facebook is blockedOpera for Windows
I'm getting this too. "We can't continue with your request", I'll be honest I'm getting fed up with opera at the used to be the best, but not now. I can get facebook to work on every other browser but this and I'm getting fed with the complete a capture every time I use the forums. -
RE: Which features is Windows 10 Defender Firewall blocking that Opera wants to do?Opera for Windows
Terrible decision then on operas part, and is it necessary to have to do a captcha every time I sign in?. -
RE: Which features is Windows 10 Defender Firewall blocking that Opera wants to do?Opera for Windows
Now why didn't you say that at the start of the thread when asked..And why would opera change the path every time, what is the need for this senseless charade every time?. -
RE: Which features is Windows 10 Defender Firewall blocking that Opera wants to do?Opera for Windows
This is still happening and it's annoying..please tell us, is Opera or Defender? only happens when Opera updates and not windows..seems a bit sinister on Operas part..So explain, is Opera safe or not! -
RE: Opera Update changes from private network to airports and cafesOpera for Windows
I'll have to take a screen shot next time it shows windows defender saying it has blocked some features i/e then it shows a box over the top of opera with a tick in airports and cafes..I always tick private next works/home..just wondered why I would have to do this.