My solution was only about YouTube's comments, nothing else. For that purpose it works well. For other websites, I usually visiting, I don't have any problems.
Actually, initially I have edited 'override.ini', but then decided to find a more GUI'ish way, to make instructing by phone easier.
Posts made by sintetix
RE: New YouTube Problems with Opera 12.17Opera for Windows
RE: New YouTube Problems with Opera 12.17Opera for Windows
I have solution for this problem, that doesn't needs to directly edit configuration file and relaunch Opera.
Temporarily turn off automatic redirection: Preferences (Ctrl-F12) -> Tab 'Advanced' -> 'Network' -> Uncheck 'Enable automatic redirection'
Temporarily turn off JavaScript execution: Quick Preferences (F12) -> Uncheck 'Enable JavaScript'
Open and turn on user agent spoofing for it: Quick Preferences (F12) -> 'Edit Site Preferences'... -> Tab 'Network' -> In dropdown list 'Browser identification' select option 'Identify as Firefox'
Repeat step (3) for and
Undo steps (1) and (2)
Refresh desired YouTube web page(s)
Actually, it is editing of 'override.ini' too, just done through Opera's GUI. String 'User Agent|Spoof UserAgent ID=2' does similar influence on YouTube as 'User Prefs|Custom User-Agent=...'