@sgunhouse is that with clear browsing history unticked on exit? So Google Chrome will also restrict viewable browsing history to just 90days? But will still count the number of total sites visited?
So which browser will keep my browsing viewable for 12 months at least?
Ive tried Firefox android & it kept my history viewable until it got to about 1,800 pages. At which point scrolling thru all the pages visited beyond the last 100 looped back over the same 10 sites. A glitch?
Ive also tried Kiwi Browser & it did keep browsing history viewable however i noticed that the total number of sites counted kept decreasing, say from 27,000 to 19,000 without me deleting any. Maybe a glitch? However recent updates made video streaming sites freeze before it reloaded,. Also the memorised auto fill email/password box for logging into websites kept giving me an 'aw snap!' page error. So i had to toggle between desktop & mobile mode to get it to work. I prefer viewing sites on my Huawei tablet (Android 9) in desktop mode by default. Uninstall/reinstall did not fix it.
So now im looking for alternatives.