Thank you very much for trying to help me.
First, to grierzo: I went to "mail and chat accounts" and noticed that I have 3 of them: one for google, which is never used; and two operamail, one imap and one pop (it just says pop, not pop3). I do not know which one is actually used.
Now to burnout426:
Currently, my Opera is in Program Files, and I copied it from there into my hard drive. So, I assume, I will move it from there into Users\user\AppDatea\Roaming in the new computer (which will have Windows8.1 - I now have WindowsXP).
Re your second move, my path does not show "local settings"; also, it's "all users: not "user".
So I could understand the process, I opened the fft... site that you mention; there is no option to download it - it's just a list of 30 Directory files. When I left-click it, if gives me one file "pub"; when I right-click it, the options include "open in new window"; "copy link address"; "save linked content as"; "save to Download folder". One I know how to download it, I assume that I would do all that in the new computer?
Though I have read your instructions carefully, I'm still quite confused.
Perhaps you could confirm, or restate, the steps I need to take to install my current Opera12 on my new computer:
as said above, I'll move it from my external hard drive to Users\user\AppData\Roaming
I'll move another copy of it into Users\user\AppData\local (assuming that both these paths will exist on my new computer!)
3)please explain how I can download the fft://fft... site you mention
4)Since I'll be moving from WindowsXP, 32-bit to Windows8.1, 64bit, will I need to insert the (86x)after program files?
- If I understand correctly, if all of the above goes well, my browser (client) operamail will naturally be part of it; Will I have to reregister in "mail & chat accounts"? as imap?
Again, I really appreciate your guidance.