Parallel downloading
I am downloading a 2.2GB file and it's not downloading at my highest Wi-Fi speed for some reason can someone help me?
It's only running on KB/s I can run 100+ Mbp/s
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Parallel downloading
I am downloading a 2.2GB file and it's not downloading at my highest Wi-Fi speed for some reason can someone help me?
It's only running on KB/s I can run 100+ Mbp/s
I have slow downloading speed when I get 100Mbs per second and I enabled opera://flags/#enable-parallel-downloading but it's still slow, I need help why the download speed is slow.
I average about 1,000KB+ per second.
Mod Making, Wallpaper.
What is the size, pixels, ratio for the mod wallpaper, so I can add my own wallpaper to my own mod?
@sgunhouse I found out how to add mp4 wallpapers but I don't know the pixel of the wallpaper/background of it.
check the image what I'm saying
@sgunhouse Hello do I change the image to video for dark.
image "wallpaper/video.webm",
"first_frame": "wallpaper/FF.jpg",
@sgunhouse Okay, I will try that but I will send if it works or doesn't work.
What is the size for wallpaper to add in the mod files.
Also can I add WEBM wallpaper in wallpaper folder and code it?
I tried adding the WEMB it didn't work and it's not showing up, it's a blank screen not loading.
Image of wallpaper code