Changing language is easy. Go to Settings (or type opera://settings in the address bar if you can't read the menu). In the left column the second item ("Advanced" in English) has a downward arrow in front of it - click that item to expand the listing. The fifth item (which would be "Browser" in English) is the one you want - click that. The third section (you'll need to scroll the main area of the page to see it) would be "Languages" in English. The first item would be "Language" and in your case will show the Russian word for "Russian" and show a down arrow on the right - click it to get to the language options. If your preferred language is not in the list, then click on the blue text ("Add languages" in English) then scroll through the list to find your language. Once you've added your language to the list, click on the 3 dots to the right of it - the checkbox is to display Opera using that language, the other options are to change the position of the language in the list or remove it (though you can't remove the one Opera is currently displayed in). I haven't actually changed my language - if the language doesn't change immediately then you may have to restart Opera before it takes effect.

If it is also displaying the default speed dials in Russian and has Yandex as default search engine, then you actually need to change your locale (which is described in the FAQ thread).