Is there a to add a touch scroll feature to say click with the mouse and move the page in holding the mouse button ?
For example is Adobe PDF Reader with the hand or in Opera 12.
Thank you !
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Is there a to add a touch scroll feature to say click with the mouse and move the page in holding the mouse button ?
For example is Adobe PDF Reader with the hand or in Opera 12.
Thank you !
One big default of Windows is obviously the face that its impossible to scroll using a "hand" as in Adobe Reader or in Opera 12 with the option "Scroll is Pan".
One thing I use in Chrome as an extension, which is buggy, is the Extension Touch Scroll so I can use the mouse to scroll the page in holding the click.
What I use to do in Opera 12 and now in Chrome is to add a button or an easy to access parameter like in Adobe Reader to easily switch between the Touch Scroll and the standard text selection mode.
What do you think ?
Thank you for reading and when you add this feature.
Well the fact that the feature is present DON'T means that the people HAVE to use it ! Its that the real problem with the Opera dev team.
I wanted to move my passwords from Opera to Chrome too. But what my experience has given me is to NEVER base yourself on company service to store your data : just watch Symbian, Opera like Opera Mail, and many others. It will maybe be the case of LastPass, later. Dropbox... Etc.
So what I have done, is download Web Pass Viewer which gave me all my passwords of Opera 12, and save them in a simple text file. As it is dangerous to do so, I have then hide the text file and renamed it, and crypted it with a very simple but hard to crack text file crypter.
Now, I save all my passwords in a text file. Just like in old times when people wrote their personnal things in a old book.
The problem with Opera is that it was really to slow. I hoped they make it as fast as Chrome but not to change the engine.
Wait & See. Time will tell us if it is a good idea, if not I will use Firefox with all the add-ons, could be as good as Opera 12.15 (and even a bit of 9.5)