In Chrome on OS X, the File menu includes Email page location, bound to S-CMD-I. This option does not appear in the file menu for Opera 19, which is very inconvenient.
Why has it been removed in the Opera version, and is there a way to get it back?
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In Chrome on OS X, the File menu includes Email page location, bound to S-CMD-I. This option does not appear in the file menu for Opera 19, which is very inconvenient.
Why has it been removed in the Opera version, and is there a way to get it back?
This may not even be a problem in Opera. I have been able to log in to Blogger, Gmail and GMaps accounts, logging out in between, and being offered a n empty login screen each time. My move to Opera may be exactly the right thing.
I appreciate that. What I mean is that, if I log in to a Google account, the login details are kept. I log out. Then I want to log in again. possibly to a different Google account. What I get is a login screen with the previous login id hard-coded into the page. From there I can "Manage accounts on this computer" or some such, but I can't make the browser forget the first id, except by "delete user profile," which seems to want to teach me a lesson by deleting everything, including all open tabs.
So, what I want to do is have Opera break any connection between the browser an those previous login details, so that, as far as Opera and Google are concerned, I have never logged in to Google from Opera as that user.
I've just switched from Chrome to Opera (which I know is based on the Chrome engine.) The reason I left Chrome was that I could find no way to make it forget a Google identity once I had logged in, short of deleting the current profile. Does Opera offer such a capability? Or is it a condition of Opera's adopting Chrome that Google retain its stranglehold on user data?