I could be mistaken, but this topic is about appearance feedback concerning Opera One ? So why is Himmelsheriff attacking forums members, by calling them strange ,who are leaving feedback, insinuating that they are "false users" or that their criticism lacks any value ? It seems counter productive for the moderators to allow such a toxic environment to continue to build just to have one voice that is both supporting the new appearance, while also trying to push users out of the Opera community towards Vivaldi because they do not meet his purity test requirements. As someone who has been a fan of Opera since around 2003, I hope Opera and their forum moderators will hear the suggestions and criticism to improve Opera One to what would make their base happy while allowing the potential for testing and growth of new features for those who would be inclined to use them.
PS. Himmelsheriff, deleting your reply is an interesting way to send me a message though it lacks a certain something. None the less you said no one has given you a convincing reason for the "new" forum users. So I have to ask you, what makes your approval give validity to their criticism, or perceptions ? As well why do you think anyone should be inclined to spend the time to convince you.? Convincing you might have value if you are the lead developer, CEO, President, or what have you, Baring you being a member of the development team, part of the corporate structure, or a monied backer your approval, or disapproval lacks any merit to the discussion at hand, Equal to that however what have you done to convince the new members or the old ones that you are arguing in good faith ?