As a developer of web site I'd like to recommend, that Opera respects the CSS colors, if there is a corresponding color theme in either dark or light @media themes. Otherwise there is no way for us to force the colors, other than embedding text in the background images. Not a great alternative.
Posts made by mlemanczyk
RE: [Suggestion]In Force Dark Pages, just turn white parts into dark onesOpera GX
RE: Add Signal to the sidebarSuggestions and feature requests
Since millions of people are moving away from Whatsapp, many of which migrate to Signal, would you please review this feature once again, please? It would be great to have it integrated into Opera, like Whatsapp is.
RE: [Solved]How to completely disable desktop notificationsOpera for Windows
@leocg That's great. Thank you for explaining. It seems the label is misleading.
RE: [Solved]How to completely disable desktop notificationsOpera for Windows
I've looked into this place Opera settings
The Polish translation says more or less "Ask before sending (recommended)". Hence my concern.
If it'd say "Automatically decline notification requests" I would just use it. But I don't want web sites to start sending me notifications without asking.
RE: [Solved]How to completely disable desktop notificationsOpera for Windows
@leocg Thank you. Is it actually to disable the pop-ups and automatically decline website requests? The label of the setting indicates it is for disabling the pop-ups and accepting the requests. Maybe it's just confusing.
[Solved]How to completely disable desktop notificationsOpera for Windows
I don't want any websites to send me desktop notifications. I'm pretty sure in Opera 58 I disabled it. Now that I've upgraded to Opera 60.0.3255.84 I can't find a way to do it. I've searched all settings, but the only one is approve all notifications or after asking.
Is there a way to disable all notification questions for all web sites? I tried blocking all domains like ..*, etc., but Opera doesn't allow doing that.
Thank you in advance,