@leocg classic opera, opera each day being cannot use, whey i find time i will move all account to another browser, "I don't understand why this browser wants to be so useless.. when active tab is white light it is easy to find when i close it but if there are more like this i cannot find, opera wants to people make mad.
Posts made by meyap
RE: Can't find the active tabOpera for computers
Can't find the active tabOpera for computers
ı cannat understant what opera try, now many tabs seems active and i cannot find current tab
RE: Can't see full name of files during downloadOpera for computers
are you serious, i have not enoughh brain sell to check it but there is no problem on me, this browser is trash and time to change it, my email and others is registered but i will change there is no way i already use chrome or other browser when i format computer or new computer, i think opera is old and seedy any more, download tab is very very basic things to arrange but opera cannot do this basic things and nobody check it, i use opear 20 years and sometimes it is time to change somethink, new thinks will be useful opera does new thinks and it is trash.
Can't see full name of files during downloadOpera for computers
i am downloading 3 files and cannot see full name and i try to see all downloading page but i see 2 fies !!!! can you believe it i am donloading 3 files but it shows 2 files, vand still i cannot see full name
Download list don't show full names of the filesOpera for Windows
i have problems with opera and now it is added new one. why cant be simply any other browser. i am downloading few files and on downloading tab it cant show full names of file, it is ok and simply i try to see all downloading files but there is no current downloading file it shows only past downloading, opera getting worst each day, i use this browser because all account on it but when i format pc i wont, because opera insouble and cant provide basic things i dont understand, do you use this browser and cant see all problems. just compare your works any other simple browsers, and see how they achieve and just imitate because you wont manage anything.
RE: Where is half download filesOpera for Windows
@burnout426 This problems is still contiune and there is nothing about it this is serious problem and how can i reach developers i cant believe that no one is know about this serious problem today i lost 1.8gb file, and it taken maybe 10 hours, this file is still stay in downloading folder with opdownload extension but there is no way to find any clue in opera, i thik designer is son of the bitch that there is no fixing this browswer, i cannot find in opera this file and i cannot contune, if i can reach when it will be 2 gb it will be finished, but i cannot, i searched with file name in opera downloadings tab and tehere is nothing, i cannot understand how pysico man designed like this, and i disint see like this any other browser loang time opera is my main browser but i think i will use any more. and there is no connection any opera workers.
Always show unfinished downloads in recent downloads listSuggestions and feature requests
who will solve this problem, today i try to download more than 10 files but some of them is crashed many time and every time, i contuined, bu t quicly this crashed file went down from list, and guess what happened, this file is lost, there is nothing about unfinished file, when i click show more there is nothing and tehere is no way to contune, i searched with find command all list but there is nothing, i thing it is gone paralel universe.
RE: Where is half download filesOpera for Windows
@burnout426 as you said that all i wanna do is resume unfinished download or begin new download because of some downloads cant resume, so i should show all half download files so i can download again, but i cannot be sure that all unfinished download files are only 11 file so i try to show all but there is only downloaded files or very old unfinished files, i cannot see update list or files, in past there was no problem like this, or there was no problem any other bowser, opera is main browser for me but i use other browser, i dont know maybe i should update opere i will try it in a good time for me. it is very big problem, think about it i click to download 50 files and 30 files are unfinished and download session is stopped and i only see 11 files downloaded or cutted and i just know downloaded files that all they are in downloaded folder or i can see on show all page, i have 2 options that i can download all files again or i will check each file if it is downloaded, i sould check 50 files one by one it is not usefull and big problem.
And i clicked all tabs again again daily weekly all , all options.
Where is half download filesOpera for Windows
When i click downloaded files on menubar, how great that i can see a list conaining a part of downloaded files and couldnt be downloaded files, but this list is limited 11 item and i cannot see remaining files, guess what i do, off course i click show all button that placed end of list, and a new tab is opening, see how smar but, surprised there are only finished files here so, tell me how can i see more unfinished download that cutted by network or anything, how can i contune cutted files that cannot see under downloaded buton, because it shows only 11 files, in past when i chose "show all" i could see everything that i could contunie downloading, i just wonder who smartest person that remove all things a downloaded page, every software company make a shit at newer versions, i think when you do nothing is best.