Give it a try, but the problem is sorting out which extension is which. it will of course get much faster as you start getting through them, but here's what I would do:
go to old extensions, replace the name "kdsjldjfs;jg;lkfdsjg" with "tab sorter" for example, once you browse through to see what it is.
go to the new extensions, find out which extension is what, but copy the top level sub-folder name e.g. 'hsjgdsfdsdsf' and rename the old extension folder that matches that you renamed already. Once you've gone through half it will be much faster by process of elimination.
lastly, take all of th enew extension folders, move them elsewhere as back up, then take the old ones and drop them into that new location.
Then you will end up with the old settings etc. for each extension in the new location with the new names. Hopefully some of them will work and correct the naming conventions if needed. For the ones that don't, browse through the sub folders, and rename anything that looks like 'hgdsjhgdsfgf' to the actual new folder name.
I think that will take care of 90% of them.
good luck!