Hello. On Android, The last update for Opera Mini was 5/24/17 (yesterday). For iOS, It’s June 16, 2016. Let’s see what Opera has added to Opera Mini for Android while Opera Mini for iOS has been untouched:
*New Interface: https://blogs.opera.com/mobile/2016/09/opera-android-gets-new-look/
*Download Audio/Video from Webpages: http://blogs.opera.com/mobile/2017/03/opera-mini-brings-faster-access-downloads-ways-interact-favorite-online-content/
*New Download Manager: http://blogs.opera.com/mobile/2016/11/download-manager-for-android-with-speed-meter-new-version-opera-mini/
Please provide updates to Opera Mini, because I'd radther stick to my favorite browser, but because the lack of updates to Opera Mini, and the constant updates to Chrome, the urge is getting stronger.