?? What are you missing in the native bookmark manager that you can't get from a good bookmark manager extension, like Neater Bookmarks? https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/neater-bookmarks/ofgjggbjanlhbgaemjbkiegeebmccifi
You get folders, folders within folders, a nice vertical display, easy ability to cut and paste folders and bookmarks so as to arrange it, an alphabetic display for sorting . . . And yes, you might want to add the Opera extension, Add Bookmark,https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/add-bookmark/?display=en also, so that when you make a bookmark, you get the option to select the appropriate folder (the lacking here is that the folders, folders from the subfolders, etc, are all treated the same, so you just get a list of folders (with no distinguishing where they come from). No you're not fully mimicking the bookmark treatment in Opera Presto (which is clearly better), but you can do pretty well. While you certainly have an option to use the Speed Dial instead with its infinite capacity to save links, I don't think you need to do it, at least in my opinion, because of any major deficiency in bookmarks manager extension (in conjunction with the Add Bookmark extension) to do the same. My personal preference, I guess, has always been to not overload the Speed Dial with the vast bulk of bookmarks, which has a tendency to make the Speed Dial setup less appealing aesthetically, maybe even, as some have complained, to slow down the initial load of the browser (to use a bookmarks bar, or bookmarks manager extension for that), but to use the Speed Dial for sites one goes to all the time/all time favorites, etc.
On the other hand, if your business is not that bookmarks intensive, I can see what you're doing. Otherwise, I wonder why not use the extensions, and save the Speed Dial for higher priority or most used items.