I tend to believe in the good faith and veracity of who wrote the initial content of this discussion.
I experienced, personally, through my wife's laptop, one invasion of an increasing wave of these plagues. At the time, I resorted to the services of a site that, benevolently, offers these services (remotion of Malwares), here, in my country.
They recommend to those that opt to pass the remotion to them, do not take any initiative. They command to the owner of the infested pc, make some initial downloads of programs antimalware indicated by them, execute them, and send to them the related logs (reports). This continues, at homeopathic doses, depending on the quantity of invaders that exist.
In my case, within almost a week, they got remotion and cleaning of all.
They argue that, if the owner of the infected computer precede the delivery of removal services to them by any scan on his own, it may not only hamper the success of their work as even prevent it.
On the other hand, I believe on the majority of security suites, Microsoft (with the Windows Defender) and non-Microsoft, joins to their anti-virus the capacity of prevention, combat, and removal against several species of malware. And of my knowledge (and use), an excellent specialist , Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.