Let me add to the above by saying.. it's not that I wouldn't appreciate more thoughts or things I could try to get my Opera working like it use to with flash games. I'm all for it. And no one mentioned a tidbit I added in case it was relevant. All videos, games etc.. need me to click them to bring them up. Any video or game starts with gray screen telling me (or maybe asking permission?) to start flash. IT didn't do that before my clean re-install. Just thought I would make sure it didn't get lost in the shuffle in case it was important. If there is no more help or things to try. I understand. It might be so bad I would need an Opera developer to figure me out. And that's not going to happen. lol
You know, I wonder if it had to do (the lack of change with a clean install I mean) with me trying to save my bookmarks? Maybe one of those files were corrupt or I did that wrong or something. You would think Something would have been different with the reinstall. Well, otehr than having to click to set flash in motion now. Anyway, thanks for any more help. But I understand if you don't have any more suggestions.
Posts made by litarollins
RE: Is Opera being phased out?Opera for Windows
RE: Is Opera being phased out?Opera for Windows
thanks leocg, didn't know that.
thanks as well to Biggerabolone, that's good to know as well. Will look into trusteer.
I had turned turbo off. It's how I got back onto my banking site. But that did nothing for my gaming. I just gave up and when I can't stand it and feel I 'have' to play.. I use mozilla now.Least it looks right, is clear, fits in window etc. It's a bummer. Was so excited to see a new version out today. Went to the games to see if it was better. But no go. So I guess I'll just use Opera for surfing etc. I have too many book marks to loose! lol I have to keep it.
RE: Is Opera being phased out?Opera for Windows
Thanks Lando, I went to the game, hit the button to take my zoom back to normal. The 'neighbors bar' in the flash window went off screen a little. So I to reshrink it and got the bar back. Got the bar back, but then .. again in inner flash (inside flash window).. the game pop ups were now totally off the frame and I couldn't grab them. So I went back to just not being able to see the neighbors bar. Not sure why it's doing that.
Drillbit, thank you also for trying to help me. I did as you said and I have 'both' the NPAPI and the PPAPI and both versions read...16,0,0,305. It might be interesting to note there was no Active X? Should there be for facebook games such as Farmville 2? Could that be the issue? If not, then ... well.. not sure what you might come up with next but eager to hear.
I can't say without a doubt about Opera 12.17. But I'm pretty sure there is no other Opera on my computer. When I did the clean reinstall I went through and deleted alll things Opera to make sure I would get a 'clean' install. Maybe that's what I need to do. Maybe I need to find an older version that I remember working so much better than any other browser for speed and graphics? Maybe for the last straw if nothing else can be found. lol
Let me know what you think before I uninstall the NPAPI. I may need help doing that as well.
Also note: While seeing if the older flash was enabled (which it was and I disabled it)... after I finally found that section!! I found quite a few plug ins enabled in there. I had checked extensions before but, not plugins. At that time I had no clue where they were now. Anyway, I went through those and disabled all the ones I 'thought' were unnecessary. Restarted the browser... but no change.
It's still blurry and still have the issues of fitting the game within the flash window.
I know my life won't end if I can never again play facebook games on my beloved Opera browser. I'll just not play them. I'll... miss them. They're a great time passer. And they do look good in other browsers and the flash acts right in those... I just can't stand all the pop up ads on the other browsers! They make me nuts. And they run slower, well.. use to.. than Opera did. Now they're about the same I guess. Opera being a bit worse now as far as lag or slow running.
Anyway, I appreciate you guys trying to help. Any more suggestions? Any thing else I can provide that would help you figure it out?
RE: Is Opera being phased out?Opera for Windows
Thank you for at least commenting/responding.
For the record, the reason I assumed it was Opera...was that it doesn't look this way on my other browsers. Only on Opera. Thus, my assumption that flash wasn't playing nice with Opera for games. And I want to use Opera.
On that point you made -- If I have tried to use the zoom button (which worked in the past but doesn't help now)... How do I put it back to default? Is there a short cut key I can use to put a website back to it's starting point on the zoom?
Thanks in advance
RE: Is Opera being phased out?Opera for Windows
well, I guess ya'll were upset that I didn't give details the first time, been no response after I did. I would really like to figure out how to use Opera again for my fb games. If you would be so kind.
RE: Is Opera being phased out?Opera for Windows
I do apologize, though I had hope enough to bookmark this post, I reaally didn't think I would get a response.
My Opera version is : 27.0.1689.76
I am on an HP desktop (about a year or so old) Win 7
I just updated flash when I did a reinstall
Right now, with this new install, I have No extensions enabled (or even downloaded actually, the page is blank).I DID notice, as I was checking version and getting info for you... "Turbo" was checked. I unchecked, restarted browser and though the issues with flash for FB game (Farmville2) was the same. I COULD get logged into my bank account again. So whoohooo on that one!!! I can live without games. But not without online banking.
The issues with flash have been:
My facebook games flash window where the game is played...is blurred more now, I try to use the ctrl + wheel mouse to resize window (like I use to do) and it just makes the flash window worse or takes parts of the game out of frame. To get everything to fit inside I have to deal with blurry. It's slow. I've played some of these games for years (and since I got this computer).. ON opera.. with no problems. But suddenly this last update I think? ...they started running really really slow about say.. 6 months or so ago? Not quite sure on the length of time I've been fighting this. Last update basically. I just eventually gave up on my games on my computer and play them now on my ipad. Because I hate the other browsers.
My banking... I do remember was in the last month or so. I keep forgetting, as I normally use Opera for everything, but when I went to sign in it said unrecognizable browser.. please use IE or Chrome.. etc etc etc. Which I HATE. But since unclicking turbo (or maybe holding my mouth right) I just logged into my bank just now. I hope that stays. Just in case it matters...my bank is SunTrust.
Basically, I've been an Opera girl for years. Because it use to run the fb games much faster and better than any other browser out there. It doesn't have the pop ups and ads others have. I loved the bookmark controls on the start page etc. Just all around big time supporter and lover of Opera. And I have tried to go to the help site. I tried to go to adobe flash to see if it was just the flash. But can never find anything actually helpful. Other than a clean install. Which I did.
NOTE: After the fresh install. I now have to manually start every flash content. Even ads! lol Couldn't figure out if that was a setting. Didn't find anything on this either on the site or in my settings.
At this point, Im just glad to hear from a person. I was honestly thinking you guys were weeding out gamers or some such. After going through months of issues with nothing on the help site about my issues. I honestly thought you guys were given in. I do apologize. I was just so bummed to loose my reliable Opera. That's all. If ya'll can help me get that back? I will be eternally grateful. Again, I "hate" the other browsers now. Opera has quite simply, spoiled me for any other browser. Hence why I was so upset.
Anyway, let me know if you need more info.
Is Opera being phased out?Opera for Windows
Recently started having issues with Opera playing facebook games. It simply would NOT play nice with adobe flash. Then it was not being friendly with my banking site. Suddenly my bank site would not recognize Opera.
So I did a clean uninstall... and reinstalled it. Same things occurred.
I can not find any 'real' support, as in a PERSON... not an automated system that does not have my issues when I search for them.
So I'm left with this forum. And a big question. Does these sudden changes where Opera no longer works for my every day needs...mean Opera is no longer a viable browser for common users? Are you being phased out by other browsers? What's the deal? Are there any people behind Opera at all? Do I just give up and leave opera all together? I will miss it. It use to be the best and I got many others on it. But if it will not perform for every day tasks it is of no use to me anymore. - Opera for Windows
RE: Opera 27 questionsOpera for Windows
I'm trying to find a setting that will open my 'speedials' in a new tab. As is, they open in the current tab... and there is no right click option to open in a new tab. Surely there is a way to fix this? Thanks for any help someone could give.
Major Troubles with flash/size of game windows/opera in generalOpera for Windows
recently I tried to file a bug report about my crashing when using full screen mode in my facebook games.
I decided to trouble shoot a little on my own... because of the fact that it usually happened when I got Opera's Flash is slowing computer pop up. I assume it's 'operas' because when I'm in firefox the pop up looks different and I have an option to 'not show' again.
Anyway... I uninstalled flash, reinstalled. Cleared all cache etc and tried playing my games in Opera again. Because in the past, it's been faster loading and smoother running. I 'wanted' to use Opera. Not firefox.
Well after all the clears and a fresh flash player... now it's worse!!! I can NOT get my game window to look like it did before. Using all the resizes (ctrl mouse wheel) as well as in settings for font size and zoom... nothing works! It's always huge!! The graphics are blurry now. The game play is slow as the seven year itch!!!! I could just resign myself to using firefox but there's always a chance to fix things right? But their 'faqs' and help pages have been NO help. And there is no live or email help from opera (which is very annoying). So I'm trying the forum.
I had thought about uninstalling Opera and starting fresh, but again.. I found no 'definitive' information for how to do a reinstall and not loose all my bookmarks or favorites set up. The pages I did find were vague at best. I am 'terrified' at loosing my hundreds of bookmarks!! So since this is my last resort before I give up on using Opera for anything BUT bookmarks.. does anyone have any ideas why the flash is so screwy on Opera but not on other browsers? (other than the speed which again.. now Opera has become the worst for that when it use to be the best for 'speed'.) Not sure if I'll be able to make it back to this forum to find this conversation so I'm giving out my email. gentlejane75@yahoo.com If someone helps me out, could you please email me so I know to come back to this bookmark? And hope the bookmark brings me back 'here'? lol Thanks in advance for 'any' help! -
Opera 24 fb game issues?Opera for Windows
I wondered if me and my daughter (on 2 separate computers) were the only ones finding that... though Opera is faster to download graphics and switch between pages.... it crashes way more than other browsers now and it has that annoying pop up about shockwave slowing your system down that seems to be overly sensitive (and no way to cut it off apparently?) thus making you constantly loose your full screen.
I reported this as a bug but it said I would get no reply (thus help) in case there was something I could do to fix this on my end. Not sure how it would fix the crashes unless that pop up is what causes them? I so wish I could just disable that shockwave pop up.
Notes: I do cache clears a lot. Windows 7. HP Desktop. High Speed internet (like 50 mps? is that right?). Facebook game is "The Tribez". It's the only game I really play on fb right now so I've not really tested this latest Opera version on other games. I did test the game on other browsers though. Firestorm seems to be the only one that is stable for me right now. Though I admit, it takes way longer to load the graphics on initial start up that Opera 24... once loaded I don't crash, I 'rarely' get shockwave pop up (as in maybe once a week), and it's less laggy/jerky as the game animations play.I loved my Opera. It use to be hands down, the best for my facebook gaming. But I had to move over to Firestorm.
It was just too frustrating to crash, have the lag, and constantly loose my full screen with those shockwave popups (I'm talking 10 or more times per hour!).
I'm only posting this because I have a shred of hope there IS something I can do as to settings to stop this. I tried increasing the data storage via Flash but it won't ever store more than the basic 1k. And.. it's not really flash that's the issue I assume, since I get all those 'shockwave' popups. Also, I did try to uninstall and do a clean install for both shockwave & flash. But it didn't do any good.
So.. if you know of something I can do I would love to hear it. Otherwise, I'll sit and wait and hope that Opera soon fixes these bugs while I go back to Firestorm. sighs
RE: shockwave problemsOpera for Mac
I'm having a similar issue but I'm not a Mac. I'm on a desktop, HP. When I first got it I just thought it was wierd that this little facebook game was slowing down my big computer. I play a lot more graphic intensive games. After it started getting annoying I decided to see if others were having this issue and found this site. Hopefully my info will help you guys out. Since I'm not on a mac, thus it's not mac specific.
This is the About Opera:
Opera Version 24.0.1558.53
Windows 7 64-bit (WoW64)My adobe flash is 14,0,0,179
I have done numerous cache clears and even tried adding RAM memory usage for the game since it seems to occur more frequently when I'm playing the game. But granted, fb and games is mostly what I do online. lol The game is from G! (Game Insight) on facebook. Spefically "The Tribez & Castlez"). Maybe you can get it to show for you by playing that game?
What happens is.. I get this flash-by pop up that says shockwave is slowing my computer. Do I want to end or wait. It's so quick I can't get a snap shot though.
But it seems to be the reason I'm slowing up because once it's done, after a few secs things level out and play well. So I'm not actually seeing a slow down other than on start of game and seeing that pop up.
Also noticed with this (may or may not be relevant) , though I rarely have more than one window/tab going... when I do have more tabs? Like say for weather radar? That radar shows over the screen of my other opened tabs shockwave box. Just the box for the shockwave (ex, the radar box or the game box section will show over another one on the other tab.
Hope this helps. Let me know if I can offer more info so you guys can trouble shoot.
Like the others I do not have this problem with other browsers. But I love my opera! lol So I'm hoping you guys figure out why shockwave and opera are not playing nice together.