This occurs both on my Anfroid phone and on my desktop computer. Opera does not seem to load xml pages correctly. I like to listen to poscasts but when I go to The Rachel Maddow Show for example I just get the xml page text. In windows I can high lite the link to the audio but on the droid that's a real pain. Is there a plugin I need or a setting to change to make this work?
Latest posts made by jabo5360
XML pagesOpera for Windows
Images in OperaOpera for Android
First I want to say I love Opera on my computer, not so much though on my mobile. Just recently added it to my droid phone and it seems it has many little quirks on a mobile device that are irritating.
My number 1 being this may seem trivial to some but can I make Opera enlarge images with my "thumb and forefinger" type. Instead there is always a teeny tiny little link at the bottom of the image "view full size" Every other browser lets you expand them easily on your mobile or tablet. What's up with this ???????