This is in all probability an issue since the latest update. But I don't get Flow connect. The QR-code doesn't go away when scanning and inserting the code manually fails. I think this should be addressed soon. Thank you.
Best posts made by HealingCross
[Duplicated]Flow doesn't connectOpera for Windows
- Blogs
RE: Logged out from SpotifyGeneral
@burnout426 Thank you for these hints. Still believe it must rather be an issue on Spotify's side.
Yes, I'm on Mac, but it's happening on the Windows version as well.
On Windows, I tested Chrome (passed) and Vivaldi (failed). On Mac I tested Safari (failed) and Vivaldi (failed). It's only happening with Spotify, I activated my Deezer account as well - no problem. Nor are there problems with Instagram or any other site, as far as I have noticed.
I don't seem to be logged out completely, as I get no notification about a new log in via mail as if I were doing a brand new log in.
Maybe, I'll wait the next few days to come, if there's a fix. Other steps might be to far reaching at this moment. -
RE: [Duplicated]Flow doesn't connectOpera for Windows
@hexxangst Well, I've done the same, as I thought my former profile might have been corrupted.
Nevertheless, it's happening time and again. But they normally fix it with the next release.
Flow is an important feature for me as well. Especially as there's no real sync between iOS devices and desktop. Flow at least gives partial sync. So I hope, it will work again soon.I've taken time to try other browsers too. But they all eventually run into some issues temporarily. So it's just a matter of choice which kind of issues you want to face.
RE: Opera 113.0.5230.86 Stable updateBlogs
@iosaddict-0 That’s an issue, I don’t see any clear answer, too. They could say, that Opera for this or that reason might not be affected, which isn’t very probable I guess.
Or that their update for some mysterious reason already contains some or all fixes.
Even Vivaldi is updated more often, although their development team is much smaller. Their Chromium is more recent as well. - General
RE: [Duplicated]Flow doesn't connectOpera for Windows
I've connected my devices through Flow again. Seems to work for now. Thank you.
RE: Opera launches Opera One R2 – the best Opera Browser to dateBlogs
Let me be honest: The new Opera One R2 is mostly about eye candy - isn't it? I mean, why should I change my themes with even having music in the background?
It really got bloated in my eyes with all of that new stuff. Isn't a web browser mainly for searching the web and getting out of the way?
Also, I when experimenting with themes I couldn't delete my customized ones, which leads me to having five Classic, two Midsommer and three Aurora in my gallery.
Still, even with a Aurora enabled I see the sites in my sidebar with just classic dark theme which is very unpleasant for my eyes.
I'm sorry to say, I would have expected something different from this update.
Unfortunately, my other appreciated browser Vivaldi also has come up with a new visual upgrade these days. And I don't like them either. Time to switch to Firefox or Brave again, I think. -
RE: als StandardsuchmaschineDeutsch
@Elton-eth Falls du das noch liest: Um welchen Browser handelt es sich? Gibt es einen Browser, in dessen Forum sich Entwickler persönlich um Support kümmern?
Ich bin ab und zu im Forum von Vivaldi unterwegs und da "helfen" auch fast nur Freiwillige. Und die sind meist wiederum häufig so "überzeugt", dass sie erst einmal behaupten, sie hätten das Problem noch nie gehabt und deshalb könne es das auch nicht geben. Mir ist das manchmal eine zu verschworene Gemeinschaft.
Darum wäre ich neugierig, welche Software du tatsächlich meinst. -
RE: Logged out from SpotifyGeneral
I've found this thread in the Spotify community. Originally from 2019, but issue is happening to people, recently as well. -
RE: Opera launches Opera One R2 – the best Opera Browser to dateBlogs
@daria19 As I'm getting used to the new version, I really appreciate it. It's the best looking browser with the most handy features for me. Thank you very much.
RE: Kacheln Schnellwahl. Wie auf die alte Ansicht ändern?Deutsch
@verodog Ich glaube, du kannst die Ansichten manuell ändern: Öffne mal die einzelnen Schnellwahlen und klicke dann rechts oben auf das
️. Dann erscheint unterhalb eine Vorschau und die kannst du mit den Pfeilen „rechts“ und „links“ ändern. Manchmal erscheint ein Favicon, ein ander Mal ein Bild von der entsprechenden Seite. Ich glaube, es ist sogar möglich, ein eigenes Bild hochzuladen. Die Schnellwahl übernimmt das letzte von dir angeklickte Vorschaubild.
Ansonsten kannst du die Größe der Schnellwahlen über die Einstellungen (Schieberegler rechts oben „Schnelle Einstellungen“ ändern.
Im Übrigen glaube ich, dass diese Änderungen schon vor KI kamen, aber da bin ich mir nicht sicher.
Wenn du sehr viel Wert auf personalisierte Einstellungen legst, könntest du auch den Browser Vivaldi nutzen. Da kannst du dir alles so einrichten, wie du es magst. - General
RE: Opera ist sehr langsam bei SuchfeldernDeutsch
Ich habe eben im Vivaldi Forum etwas Ähnliches gelesen. Vielleicht handelt es sich um ein Chromium-Problem.
Meiner Erfahrung nach kann das an der verwendeten Hardware liegen (hohe RAM-Belastung z.B.). Vielleicht hilft es auch, Verlauf und ggf. sogar alle Browserdaten zu löschen (Cookies aber vielleicht besser nicht).
Wird Opera über einen Account synchronisiert? Auch da könnte es helfen, den Account zurückzusetzen. Aber das sind auch nur Spekulationen, weil wir den Computer und die Konfiguration von Opera nicht wirklich kennen.