A reader mode in both Opera and Opera Touch would be nice just like in Apple Safari.

Best posts made by headspacedude
- Suggestions and feature requests
An error occurred while attempting to sign inOpera for Mac
I keep getting "An error occurred while attempting to sign in" and "Something went wrong" when signing in to Opera on Mac to sync across my browsers. Any ideas why? I have tried changing my password but to no avail.
Flow not syncing to phone from computer propperlyOpera Browser
I like the flow feature in opera (desktop and Touch) but when I send something to my phone it doesn't show up unless I force quit the app and start again. Works from phone to computer just fine. I'm an Apple user by the way.
Why might this be? -
Multiple user profilesSuggestions and feature requests
It would be good to have multiple user accounts say for work and home that you can easily switch between on your computer at home but only use your work account when at work to avoid any embarrassment from certain websites coming up because you are signed into your home account at work.
Better Dark ThemeSuggestions and feature requests
The Dark Theme is great, but one thing that isn't is the contrast between in focus tabs and background tabs. It's very hard to distinguish which tab you are on if there are many open.
Latest posts made by headspacedude
RE: FVD speed dial dead? volatilized? the end at Opera?Opera add-ons
@burnout426 said in FVD speed dial dead? volatilized? the end at Opera?:
Where is this located on macOS?
RE: Crash when selecting 'Open in Touch' via Share menuOpera Browser
@shintoplasm01 I'm having the very same issue
- Opera for Windows
- Opera for Windows
RE: Better Dark ThemeSuggestions and feature requests
When I say a better Dark Theme is needed, I mean for Windows as the Dark Theme for Opera on Mac is perfect. Why can't these both look the same? Are the macOS and Windows developers not on the same page when it comes to Opera Themes?
Better Dark ThemeSuggestions and feature requests
The Dark Theme is great, but one thing that isn't is the contrast between in focus tabs and background tabs. It's very hard to distinguish which tab you are on if there are many open.
- Suggestions and feature requests
RE: Cmd+W closes the window instead of the tab.Opera for Mac
@shintoplasm01 Yes, because as I said, this is a macOS system shortcut, not one exclusive to Opera. Opera need to provide a new shortcut on macOS to close tabs. Or you could redefine it, which I know is not ideal (see the link): https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjd-62Eg5PgAhWcUxUIHfmnAAwQFjACegQIBxAM&url=http%3A%2F%2Fosxdaily.com%2F2017%2F08%2F08%2Fcreate-custom-keyboard-shortcut-mac%2F&usg=AOvVaw019KKJXU-aAg6ebNq05HWb
RE: Cmd+W closes the window instead of the tab.Opera for Mac
@hub It won't be fixed as cmd+w is a macOS system wide keyboard shortcut to close windows. Looking into it, it seems dumb that Opera would include this as a shortcut to close current tabs, when it is a system wide mac command.. All I can think of is that macOS is over riding it and that Opera should introduce a new shortcut to overcome this. See list of mac shortcuts here: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT201236
Flow not syncing to phone from computer propperlyOpera Browser
I like the flow feature in opera (desktop and Touch) but when I send something to my phone it doesn't show up unless I force quit the app and start again. Works from phone to computer just fine. I'm an Apple user by the way.
Why might this be?