I have bookmarked quite a few web pages, but when I bring them up, I don't see any indication that I'm looking at a bookmarked page. Is it there, but I'm just not seeing it?
Best posts made by freedda
How to know if a page is bookmarkedOpera for Android
RE: How to know if a page is bookmarkedOpera for Android
@sgunhouse - I found that list, but it only seems to offer me the option of having an "Add to bookmarks" icon appear in the address bar, which is a quick way to add any page to Bookmarks.
But as far as I can tell, it still doesn't provide any indication of whether or not a page is already bookmarked - which is what I'm asking about.
I looked at a few pages I've already bookmarked and still, there's nothing in Opera that shows me these are already-bookmarked pages.
So, it seems I'm back where I started from?