Posts made by fluxrev
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RE: What This New Forum Says About Opera ASAFeedback for the Forums
Aside from the fact that you're not Einstein, I would observe that you're not really responding to what I've said. But that's OK, as I'm not looking to pursue this, and won't be.
RE: What This New Forum Says About Opera ASAFeedback for the Forums
@joshl If your reference to an "attitude" is referring to my previous post, you're mistaken—I was simply seeking clarification. In any event, I understand your and rafaelluik's (assuming that you've correctly reflected
what he meant) point, but I'm not convinced that that theory, an Opera-friendly theory, as I would expect from rafaelluik, actually explains the difference in spam thread rates that I've noticed. And it is only a theory, a theory for which no hard numbers—and there is more than one number that might be relevant—were provided. Furthermore, blackbird71 said earlier in this thread that, "Both Opera forums are/were continually being attacked by spammers, and what I've seen occur in both places are much the same as each other". As it happens, I don't agree with that, but blackbird71 was certainly a regular, thoughtful presence on the old forum, and if it is true, as he thinks it is, that the amount of spam on this new Windows forum is the same as it was on the old Windows desktop forum, then your/rafaelluik's theory is nullified. In any event, it's only a theory, and it may be valid, but then again, it may not be. I still maintain that there's considerably more spam on this forum than the old Desktop forum and that Opera ASA is to be faulted for failing to do more about it. -
RE: What This New Forum Says About Opera ASAFeedback for the Forums
Have you read my post and actually thought about what I said?
I really don't have anything else to say about the forum spam issue, but since you've asked me a direct question, I'll respond. You are directing me to your previous post, where you said, "There were many more other sub-forums for spammers to abuse back then..." What's your point? What is it that you think I've missed? I'm talking about my experience with the old Desktop (or whatever it was called) forum, and am saying that this new Windows forum has a much greater spam problem than that old Windows Desktop forum did. Your objection to that statement is what, exactly?
RE: What This New Forum Says About Opera ASAFeedback for the Forums
@linuxmint7 You guys are quick, that's true, and I applaud your efforts. But I still think that Opera ASA is to be faulted for neglecting the forum in such a way that it's necessary for you and other mods to have to play Whac-A-Mole with spammers whose thread titles clearly indicate spam.
RE: What This New Forum Says About Opera ASAFeedback for the Forums
Here's six more that have popped up in just the last few minutes:
I've spent considerably less than an hour here today, and look at the number of spam thread titles that I've copied and posted in this thread. Spam threads were not occurring at this rate on the old Opera Windows Desktop forum. The failure to filter this stuff is ridiculous. It's Opera ASA's job to address this, but I'm skeptical that they care enough to do so. I've made my point, and so will say no more.
RE: What This New Forum Says About Opera ASAFeedback for the Forums
I appreciate what you're saying, joshl, but why wouldn't Opera ASA configure filters in such a way that new threads whose titles clearly indicate that they are spam never appear in the first place? Why should mods or other forum staff have to waste their time playing Whac-A-Mole with spammers whose thread titles shout "spam"?
RE: What This New Forum Says About Opera ASAFeedback for the Forums
Well, haavard, it didn't take long for some more to appear! Here are the titles of two spam threads that are on the Windows forum as I write this:
love vashikaran specialist baba ji +91-9982487292
intercast Love Marriage specialist by V.K baba ji +91-9982487292
Why Opera ASA is not filtering in a way that would automatically prevent this---the two thread titles above have phone numbers and the words "love" and "marriage" in the titles!---I don't understand.
RE: What This New Forum Says About Opera ASAFeedback for the Forums
Hello. I've been a user (though not continuously) on Opera forums for over ten years and have always appreciated your efforts.Regarding the issue of the amount of spam that appeared on the old Opera forum, I need to say that my observation about it is based on my experience with the Windows desktop forum (only), where I was a daily visitor between May of last year and January of this year, usually several times each day, beginning in the morning and ending in the late evening. So, I have a reasonably good basis upon which to make my observations about the amount of spam that appeared on that particular forum during that period of time. And I stand by my statement that, during that period of time, there was considerably less spam on that forum than I have seen on the new Opera for Windows forum, which I began visiting immediately after it launched, a few months ago.
It has been my experience that the new Opera for Windows forum has one or more spam posts on it almost every time that I visit it. I visited this new Opera for Windows forum daily for a few weeks after it launched and subsequently have visited it only occasionally. However, the fact remains that, measured in percentage terms, I am seeing spam on this forum considerably more frequently than I saw it on the old Windows desktop forum.
Regarding your comment that you did not see any spam on the Opera for Windows forum today, I can assure you that there was at least one on this forum this morning, a post that included the word “sex” in the title. (Would it really be so difficult for Opera ASA to filter for a title like that?) Yesterday there were at least four other spam posts near the top of the thread list when I visited there. If you have any further questions about this, I presume that you could obtain the relevant information from the mods who deleted these spam posts and/or the logs of activity for this forum, which I presume would include this information.
Thank you for your reply and interest.
RE: What This New Forum Says About Opera ASAFeedback for the Forums
We mods do our best ...
And it's appreciated, sgunhouse. My point was that Opera ASA has failed to effectively implement spam-reduction measures of the sort that don't require human intervention and consequently has made viewing the thread list on the Windows forum an experience akin to dumpster-diving. The general inferiority of this forum experience compared to the previous one and what that says about Opera ASA's attitude was the main point.
RE: Opera Blink Does Not Allow Dragging Address Bar Icon To Desktop Or Any FolderOpera for Windows
I stand by the statements of mine that you quoted. Indeed, your attempt to refute my point only underscores it.
Your conclusion that a user should "go ahead, download the damn extension at some point after researching it, or if not ever, . . . accept being miserable" is ludicrous, though in a way that is characteristic of the era we live in (as the over-the-top levels of outrage and teeth-gnashing regarding Opera Blink on the previous incarnation of this forum showed). "Miserable"? Because of the lack of extensions in a web browser? I find some choices that developers make annoying, but I wouldn't let the complete absence of a browser---and therefore the Internet, too---make me "miserable". Anyway, have fun with your extensions---I'm done here.
RE: Opera Blink Does Not Allow Dragging Address Bar Icon To Desktop Or Any FolderOpera for Windows
The extensions above seem very basic to me, or meet needs, and I think they are worth taking the risk on to make the browser fun and exciting.
To each his own, but "basic" is one thing, and "fun and exciting" is something else. The fact that you would talk about these very different qualities as if they were entirely harmonious indicates confused, non-serious thinking about the issues, as does your "take a chance, and if you're unhappy, then deactivate or uninstall" policy.
RE: Opera Blink Does Not Allow Dragging Address Bar Icon To Desktop Or Any FolderOpera for Windows
I severely limit my extensions also. I have 17 Opera extensions right now, and four Chrome ones active
17 extensions is "severely" limited? You're kidding, right?
RE: Opera Blink Does Not Allow Dragging Address Bar Icon To Desktop Or Any FolderOpera for Windows
As for the matter of the plethora of built-in features in the former Presto version, my guess is that will likely never see the light of day again... on any browser.
Agreed. Fortunately, I'm not in need of that plethora. I don't think, however, that it's too much to expect that Opera Blink would provide the ability to drag the address bar icon to the Desktop or a folder natively. Aside from the fact that the other browsers I mentioned do this, I would ask, is this particular capability really the sort of thing that should require an extension? What next, the need to install an extension to save webpages?
RE: What This New Forum Says About Opera ASAFeedback for the Forums
At least you know what? YouTube compared to this forum is now a total garbage.
"At least" is correct. I would hope that Opera would aspire to a much higher standard for this forum than YT.
RE: What This New Forum Says About Opera ASAFeedback for the Forums
My impression is that there was considerably less spam on the old forum, but I don't have your history there, so I'll defer to you on that point. My point about the forum format and posting tools still holds, though.
PS Thanks for your post in the other forum regarding this thread being moved, as opposed to its being deleted, which is what I mistakenly thought had happened prior to reading your post.
PPS My apologies to the mods for my other post saying that this post had been inappropriately deleted. I should have known better.
RE: Opera Blink Does Not Allow Dragging Address Bar Icon To Desktop Or Any FolderOpera for Windows
The main issue for me is security. Compatibility problems (i.e., browser updates breaking extensions) don't really concern me, assuming that I would only be using a very small number of extensions and they were ones that provided functions that I truly needed. Regarding security as it relates to Chrome, I can't assess the extent to which restricting extensions to the Chrome Web Store prevents the distribution of malicious extensions. (I don't know, by the way, what Opera's policy is on third-party extensions or, more importantly, what sort of security Opera provides with respect to the extensions hosted on their extension site.)
RE: Opera Blink Does Not Allow Dragging Address Bar Icon To Desktop Or Any FolderOpera for Windows
Thanks, blackbird. I always appreciate your perspective on things. I may indeed have to change my position on this, but I'm gonna hold out as long as I can.
What This New Forum Says About Opera ASAFeedback for the Forums
The format of and posting tools for this forum are lame. The forum is infested with spammers. This was not the case in regard to the old Opera forum. I think this says something about Opera ASA's attitude toward this browser.
RE: Opera Blink Does Not Allow Dragging Address Bar Icon To Desktop Or Any FolderOpera for Windows
Thanks for the suggested workaround, but it requires too much time/effort for the purpose. You have to take 4 steps instead of just 1. Regarding the use of the Add Bookmark extension, that's also too much trouble for the purpose, and also I don't use extensions, which is one of the main reasons Presto was my primary browser for @ 12 years.