@burnout426 That worked for me! thank you. It also solved the random icons problem
Best posts made by fiambredunicornio
RE: Bookmarks suggestions when typing in address barOpera for computers
RE: Bookmarks suggestions when typing in address barOpera for computers
Hey! I've been having the same problem recently. I've always had my bookmarks but they never appeared as sugestions on the search bar until like a month ago. It was just annoying at first but now I'm constantly going to some random bookmark by mistake and it's really getting on my nerves. I found myself having to write a full address because the sugestions just don't work. It worked perfectly before and i've been using opera for like 2 years now i think.
RE: Fullscren on YouTube showing black screenOpera for Windows
Same thing is happening to me. Tried on two different computers, youtube in fullscreen is always showing black on Opera, while the audio works. Other streaming sites' fullscreen is working fine (tried hbo, netflix and twitch). On other browsers (chrome, edge and safari) youtube's fullscreen is working fine
RE: Widevine and OperaOpera for Linux
What I did was install chrome and copied the widevine file to a different directory (cp /opt/google/chrome/libwidevinecdm.so /opt/widevine/), then edited /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/resources/widevine_config.json to preload that new location. Then proceeded to purge google chrome and it kept working on opera.
Hope this can help