So despite having automatic updates disabled Opera forced V68.0.3618.63 on me today, I have been avoiding this for good reason.
It is sad enough that Opera has sold it's soul and got rid of the Opera I liked to replace it with a re-skinned Chrome/Brave browser, but the removal of anti-tracking options and not allowing users to completely remove Google from the product will, I believe, be the nail in the coffin for Opera.
The VPN has been retained which would be good except Opera have made it so bloody obvious that many sites are disabling any VPN IP that is opera, if you look up any Opera VPN IP not only is there no subnet variety but the IP is actually listed as an ISP:Opera Mini Proxy, honestly how dumb could you be!
I gather that Firefox has a free VPN now so I am going to check that out, I am SO disappointed that Opera has done this, I do not have adequate words.
I have gone through the settings and turned off the speedbar shite, I have also set DuckDuckGo as my preferred search engine so why is Google still showing where there speed dial was?
How do I remove search from address bar at the top?
I want it just for URL's if I screw up I want an error not for it to be used as a search option
How to I remove Google (or others) from the potential list of search providers?
I do not want anything Google, I do not mind hacking the registry if that is what I have to do to get rid of this although I really think Opera should be allowing me to rip it out like Firefox does. I plan to ask EU to enforce this, it is not enough to be able to choose another, we should have option and right to remove it, Opera is now after all a Google Chrome re-skin
Oh one last thing, which idiot designed this forum software and thinks that users want a 3 line letterbox to write text into when there is a whole bloody screen of space (filled with shite I do not need or want to see when I am creating a post.