Please allow to remove/rearrange tab menu options, more specifically "close other tabs" and "mute other tabs"
"close other tabs" made me lose countless tabs when all I needed was to “close tabs to the right”. I really need to “close tabs to the right” after a big research comes to an end - I started with new tab (the rightest) and I kept opening new tabs, until I found an answer. They were all opened to the right, so I need exactly that - “close tabs to the right”. But instead - all gone. No undo. No clear list of all that I lost. Only about 15 ctrl+shift+T’s. And most of the restored ones are the recent ones I meant to close anyway. A waste, a frustration. Please allow me to remove this button.
Manually unmuting all the tabs after an accidental press of "mute other tabs" is also frustrating. I never need mute (pause maybe, but never mute), please allow me to remove this completely. Or at least an undo of recent action or a heads up would be nice - like “are you sure you want to close/mute them all?”
If you'd like an explanation why I need so many tabs, here it is: