As Snowden said: today no computer is safe.
We are all spied on, and all technologies available for normal users (firewall, anti-virus)
have cosmetic effect, for this reason most are free.
One of the best Opera versions was 26. After, it turned a CC (chrome-clone), it became slow and consumes a lot of memory.
I think selling Opera for 360 would be great because it will prevent it dies or is purchased by Google, M$,etc.
The sale will increase competition. They will surely improve the browser to compete with others.
Today, I use Opera as a second browser and moved to Firefox with FVD Speed Dial. Lightweight, fast, beautiful and safer.
I hope Opera improves. As for the owners, it makes no difference, Kaspersky remains one of the most reliable antivirus.
Posts made by erick-till
RE: Opera SoldLounge
RE: Opera 27 speed dialOpera for Windows
Translation with Google > Hei folkens! Opera MÅ høre oss. Ny, aldri ment bedre. Windows millenium, vista og selv W8 mislyktes. I dag Microsoft har insider program for å lytte til brukerne og dermed bygge vinduene 10. PLEASE lytte til oss. Den nye hurtigtasten suger og er forvirre og stygg. Kommandoer er mange lettest mot venstre. Hvor er overgangen, åpenhet, hastighet? Jeg har reinstallert krom med en utvidelse kalt speed dial som fortsatt er bedre enn den nye operaen. Slutte å gjøre flere endringer .. Hvis laget vinner ikke gjør endringer. Vinduene 10, tilbyr flere funksjoner i Windows 7, som brukerne ønsket. Ikke gjør som iexplorer som mistet sine brukere. Jeg har ikke tid til å miste konfigurere det som allerede var i arbeid.
RE: Opera 27 speed dialOpera for Windows
Hey guys! Opera MUST hear us. New, never meant better. Windows millenium, vista and even W8 failed. Today Microsoft has the insider program to listen to users and thus build the windows 10. PLEASE LISTEN TO US. The new speed dial sucks and is confuse and ugly. Commands are many easiest to left. Where are the transition, transparency, speed ? I've reinstalled chrome with an extension called speed dial that is still better than the new opera. Stop making more changes .. If the team is winning don't make changes. The windows 10, offers several features of Windows 7, as users wanted. Do not do as iexplorer who lost their users. I don't have time to lose configuring what was already working.