Hola, Por error he abierto un archivo de fotos con Opera. De la siguiente manera; me he puesto sobre el archivo->botón derecho-> abrir con-> Navegador Opera y después todos los archivos se les ha puesto dos flechas azules enfrentadas en la parte superior. Pongo foto para que se vea.
Mi pregunta es; ¿Cómo se puede quitar las flechas de los archivos? Gracias por contestar.
Posts made by enrocker
flechas azules en archivo al abrir con navegador OperaEspañol
RE: webpage redirects me to another website on pc and mobileOpera for Windows
@sgunhouse thanks for answering. But because no other browser (firefox and chrome) does not give me this error. Thank you.
webpage redirects me to another website on pc and mobileOpera for Windows
the browser opera redirects me to another web page from all my devices; pc(2 uds), mobile. He just does it with a web page, this one; https://theobjective.com/elsubjetivo/ and redirect me to this other web page,this one;http://outdatedbrowser.com/en
-I have set the browser to default start.
-I've checked that I do not have malware, it just happens to me with a website of a newspaper.en
-It only happens to me with this web pagePlease, you could help me. I like Opera and it's been a long time since I used it. This problem forces me to use another browser to read that web page, that's the answer.Thank you.