This new placing of bookmarks on the end of the list makes it really difficult to navigate my bookmarks and impossible on mobile phone where the scrolling is slower.
Best posts made by dudo24
RE: bookmarks are added to the bottom of the listOpera for Windows
RE: bookmarks are added to the bottom of the listOpera for Windows
@andrew84 The problem is not necessarily with where new bookmarks are placed, but at what position (top/bottom) a bookmark folder loads up. I always want to see fresh bookmarks first, that is the whole point. I do not care if the bookmark folder opens all the way on the bottom or all the way on the top. I just want to see fist the bookmarks from yesterday and not 5 years ago. I cannot find any general reason why someone would want to see bookmarks from years ago on top and then scroll for 10 seconds to get to the bottom of the page. I am genuinely interested in the why would people like it this opposite way as it is now implemented.