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Best posts made by DerHimmelssheriff99
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RE: Introducing Opera for Android 86: New app icons, smarter downloads and enhanced Ad BlockerBlogs
That's great. I would appreciate having the same selection of ad filtering lists to choose from. The native Easy List is circumvented by just too many sites.
RE: Synchronization on new macbookOpera for Mac
Syncing Opera works differently than in other browsers. Opera won't sync your bookmarks in a way that you have the same bookmarks on all your devices. Rather it keeps them separate for any device. But you get access to the any devices' bookmarks.
I think, this is quite handy, as I'm happy that my Speed Dials e.g. are not the same on my private and my work device. But by the bookmarks menu I can easily click the bookmarks from the other one. You can even edit the bookmarks on other devices at least from desktop.Unfortunately this doesn't apply to the iOS version which has no sync feature except for "Flow".
RE: Opera Autostart verhindernDeutsch
Verstehe das Problem nicht: Das kann man doch bei der Installation einstellen, ob Opera automatisch startet. (Das schalte ich bei einer Neuinstallation immer sofort aus, genau wie das Datensammeln).
Aber auch wenn man das nachträglich ändern will, gibt es in den Einstellungen extra einen Schieberegler. Da ich im Moment auf einem MacBook unterwegs bin, kann ich dazu leider grad keinen Screenshot machen.
Das ist in meinen Augen so ähnlich wie bei all den Werbekampagnen, die man in den Einstellungen unter "Datenschutz" wegdrücken kann. -
RE: Introducing Opera for Android 86: New app icons, smarter downloads and enhanced Ad BlockerBlogs
@leocg I know, I think it would just be handy to choose filters from a pre-selected list as in Android.