@burnout426 I tried using the task manager, running Opera Developer with MY username, and also with the other two commands (those two that take me to a certain folder with the OperaDeveloper cache)
But it still doesn't work, and it keeps giving me the same message (by the way, that message is in Spanish, why?)
(by the way, I was finally able to take a screenshot without the message disappearing yaaaay)

Latest posts made by Danilotaku123
RE: Opera opens and closes several times on startupGeneral
Gente, tengo un problema con Opera DeveloperEspañol
Estuve investigando como solucionarlo, y parece que los otros tuvieron alguna vez este problema. Se abre y cierra como de 2 a 5 veces en color blanco de forma rápida, y de vez en cuando, sale este cartel (lo voy a adjuntar en este Topic)
Entonces, ahí dice que no se puede abrir correctamente debido a que "supuestamente" mi perfíl no exíste, y que probablemente no tengo permisos para leer. Ya me puse como administrador en todos lados, y de forma específica con Opera (voy a poner otra captura)
Si alguien sabe como solucionarlo porfavor, ayudeme -
RE: Opera opens and closes several times on startupGeneral
@danilotaku123 I want to clarify that I also tried the method that you gave me @indiqazzz but it didn't work either
RE: Opera opens and closes several times on startupGeneral
@indiqazzz Nop, I never touch the flags, and I just found that while I was trying to open Opera Developer, I got an error message that said 'A profile error occurred' in Spanish. Unfortunately I couldn't take a screenshot because it disappeared when I pressed the keys to take the screenshot. The sign simply said that, and that's it. There was no error code or anything.
Opera opens and closes several times on startupGeneral
- I use Opera Developer, but with this new video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN3TF3JHM-k I dont now if this is the correct place to request technical support
- When I open Opera Developer, it opens and closes like 4, 3 or 2 times, and I can never open it. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling like 3 times, but it still didn't work. I also disabled the antivirus, but it didn't let me. Is it because I also have the original Opera and Opera GX? I need help please.
RE: Your comprehensive guide to Aria: Opera’s native browser AIBlogs
@ironbone Hey, iron bone, if you want Aria to send you results in your language, just ask her in English if she speaks your language.
An example is this:
(Aria): Hello, how can I help you?
(Me): You speak spanish?
(Aria): ¡Por supuesto que sí! ¿En que puedo ayudarte?