Originally posted by leushino:
Originally posted by cwizard:
Sad, disturbing and frighting how willingly some people are to give up their privacy or, in this case, are they nothing more than shills for a questionable, at best, product?
... They're all compromising your privacy.
Ah, so that makes it alright for Opera to do the same? Are you an employee or share holder?
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but after over 1,300 posts you are starting to sound like a shill.
shill (sh¹l) Slang. n. 1. One who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle. --shill v. shilled, shill·ing, shills. --intr. 1. To act as a shill. --tr. 1. To act as a shill for (a deceitful enterprise). 2. To lure (a person) into a swindle.