"Look, if you use itunes you don't know what you are doing anyway."
One very good reason not to read anything else you've written. Learn some manners. Learn some respect. Become a human being. Goodbye.
Do more on the web, with a fast and secure browser!
Download Opera browser with:
"Look, if you use itunes you don't know what you are doing anyway."
One very good reason not to read anything else you've written. Learn some manners. Learn some respect. Become a human being. Goodbye.
For Safari there is an add-on "Glims". What it does, among other things, is auto-complete your search suggestions as you type in the Google box (right of address bar), amending as you continue to type.
For example : if I start typing "gl" it will complete that as "Glastonbury" which I can go -> to accept, then type "f" and I've got "Glastonbury Festival" by just typing "gl -> f ->" (-> means arrow key). In other words 5 keystrokes only.
It also lists a few complete search suggestions in a window below, plus a few actual websites that it thinks might be helpful.
Is there anything similar, either already in Opera, or available as a plug-in, add-on, or extension?
No, it doesn't. But it WAS Apple's last "grown up" OS, unlike those since which have become ever more like versions of iOS.
I have toyed with the idea of upgrading to Yosemite, but can't run any version of iTunes except iTunes 12. If you've ever seen iTunes after iTunes 10, you'll understand why some long time users don't want anything to do with it.
Fortunately I can still use the most recent versions of Firefox and Chrome. I'd hoped to use Opera, but if it can't be then so be it.
(BTW OS X 10.6.8 is still 8 years younger than Windows XP which many users still run...)
That's a shame. Opera 25 is the last I can run with OS X 10.6.8 :awww:
No, neither happens with me.
I'm using Opera 25 with OS X 10.6.8 - might that be why it's not working? (Or perhaps it will next time I reboot...)
Oh yes - unusual, but it does work (sort of) : the problem is, how do you get the box to include all the bookmarks that go below the screen (i.e. you have to scroll)?; dragging the box downwards doesn't scroll the screen as you would expect.
Also, when I try to drag a selected group, only one bookmark actually moves (the one where the mouse pointer is) : how do you drag all the selected bookmarks at once?
Yes, I think I tried that, vux. The only problem is, how do you 'Select All'? I tried in icon view and it did nothing, so I confidently switched to List view, and again, it didn't seem to work there either. Does this mean I have to drag and drop my bookmarks one by one?
I've imported my bookmarks from Safari (via a roundabout route), and discovered that proper favicons are added after you visit the site in question. Now I have two questions :
Ok, I've discovered the truth about favicons - the ugly black "page folded over" favicon is replaced by the site favicon after you visit the site, so that's cool.
I will ask other questions in a new topic.
Ok, so far, so good...
However, I then had the opposite problem! There seemed no way to import bookmarks from Safari to Opera 25 (how did I get them into Opera 12???), but Google came up with an answer (import from Safari to Chrome, copy Chrome bookmarks file to Opera bookmarks).
That worked ok. That leaves two problems unresolved:
Thank you avi - I'd missed that Opera creates that com.operasoftware folder in Application Support (that's not the format that software usually uses there).
I will move out both folders (and the Library/Opera folder too?), trash the app and the cache files, and reinstall it. I've kept "Opera 12" in case Opera 25 doesn't work out for me ... it doesn't get stuff from there presumably?
Oh great. Everyone gets a reply except me. Well, I'm rapidly deciding not to bother with Opera after all, as no-one is bothered to deal with my query. (Bookmarks in Opera).
Oh great. Someone has actually bothered to reply to THIS POST.
WHAT ABOUT MINE???? (Bookmarks in Opera).
Has this forum been abandoned by people who actually work on Opera??? Is this issue just being ignored?
(no Edit button??? I'm re-posting as the formatting is awful):
I have supplementary details from further investigation:
I moved out the following Opera components to the desktop so they were not available to the Opera app:
user/Library/Application Support/Opera
When I next launched Opera, those files should have been rebuilt from scratch. In fact, the first 2 were rebuilt, and are less than 1MB in total. HOWEVER... the cache file is 17.9MB !!! That's even larger than the Cache file I moved out. Where has it got that size from? That must be the source of my old bookmarks, but heaven only knows where the information was trawled from.
Would someone from Opera please have the courtesy to reply?
I have supplementary details from further investigation:
I moved out the following Opera components to the desktop so they were not available to the Opera app:
When I next launched Opera, those files should have been rebuilt from scratch. In fact, the first 2 were rebuilt, and are less than 1MB in total. HOWEVER... the cache file is 17.9MB !!! That's even larger than the Cache file I moved out. Where has it got that size from? That must be the source of my old bookmarks, but heaven only knows where the information was trawled from.
Would someone from Opera please have the courtesy to reply?
I've started to use Opera 25 instead of Safari (or I want to, let's say).
I want to import all my bookmarks from Safari, but a very much older set of imported bookmarks are already in Opera, from Safari a few years ago. I did use Opera 9 briefly back then, on a PPC Mac.
I've gone to the user/Library/Application Support/Opera folder and moved out the 'bookmarks.adr' and 'bookmarks' files to the desktop. However, on re-launching Opera 25, all the imported bookmarks are still there! Where is it getting them from? What's more, it hasn't re-created those two files in the Opera folder either.
There's something screwy going on here, but I can't understand what it is...
I've Googled. I found another forum where someone had uploaded a FTP link to Opera 25, so I now have it.
It does seem rather strange that Opera only make historic versions up to Opera 12 available.
I have gone to the Archives, where the latest version for Mac is Opera 12.16, which I've downloaded.
However, I've read elsewhere that OS X 10.6.8 will run Opera 25, which doesn't seem to be available from the Opera home site.
Where can I get version 25 from? I do want to run the latest version I can, as Safari for 10.6.8 is now suffering badly.